AndroidPoet / Dropdown

💧A Powerful and customizable Compose Multiplatform dropdown menu with cascade and animations.
Apache License 2.0
325 stars 11 forks source link
android androidpoet dropdown jetpack-compose kotlin material-design material-ui menubar


💧A Powerful and customizable Compose Multiplatform dropdown menu with cascade and animations.


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## Who's using Dropdown? **👉 [Check out who's using Dropdown](/** ## Include in your project [![Maven Central](]( ### Gradle Add the dependency below to your **module**'s `build.gradle` file: ```gradle dependencies { implementation("io.github.androidpoet:dropdown:$version"") } ``` For Kotlin Multiplatform, add the dependency below to your **module**'s `build.gradle.kts` file: ```gradle sourceSets { val commonMain by getting { dependencies { implementation("io.github.androidpoet:dropdown:$version"") } } } ```

### Create Menu Builder Create an instance of the `Menu Builder`. ```kotlin fun getMenu(): MenuItem { val menu = dropDownMenu { item("about", "About") { icon(Icons.TwoTone.Language) } item("copy", "Copy") { icon(Icons.TwoTone.FileCopy) } item("share", "Share") { icon(Icons.TwoTone.Share) item("to_clipboard", "To clipboard") { item("pdf", "PDF") item("epub", "EPUB") item("web_page", "Web page") item("microsoft_word", "Microsoft word") } item("as_a_file", "As a file") { item("pdf", "PDF") item("epub", "EPUB") item("web_page", "Web page") item("microsoft_word", "Microsoft word") } } item("remove", "Remove") { icon(Icons.TwoTone.DeleteSweep) item("yep", "Yep") { icon(Icons.TwoTone.Done) } item("go_back", "Go back") { icon(Icons.TwoTone.Close) } } } return menu } ``` ### Create Dropdown menu Create an instance of the `Dropdown menu`. ```kotlin @ExperimentalAnimationApi @Composable fun Menu(isOpen: Boolean = false, setIsOpen: (Boolean) -> Unit, itemSelected: (String) -> Unit) { val menu = getMenu() Dropdown( isOpen = isOpen, menu = menu, colors = dropDownMenuColors(Teal200, White), onItemSelected = itemSelected, onDismiss = { setIsOpen(false) }, offset = DpOffset(8.dp, 0.dp), enter = EnterAnimation.ElevationScale, exit = ExitAnimation.ElevationScale, easing = Easing.FastOutSlowInEasing, enterDuration = 400, exitDuration = 400 ) } ``` ## Supported Animations ## Enter Animations ```kotlin EnterAnimation.FadeIn EnterAnimation.SharedAxisXForward EnterAnimation.SharedAxisYForward EnterAnimation.SharedAxisZForward EnterAnimation.ElevationScale EnterAnimation.SlideIn EnterAnimation.SlideInHorizontally EnterAnimation.SlideInVertically EnterAnimation.ScaleIn EnterAnimation.ExpandIn EnterAnimation.ExpandHorizontally EnterAnimation.ExpandVertically ``` ## Exit Animations ```kotlin ExitAnimation.FadeOut ExitAnimation.SharedAxisXBackward ExitAnimation.SharedAxisYBackward ExitAnimation.SharedAxisZBackward ExitAnimation.ElevationScale ExitAnimation.SlideOut ExitAnimation.SlideOutHorizontally ExitAnimation.SlideOutVertically ExitAnimation.ScaleOut ExitAnimation.ShrinkOut ExitAnimation.ShrinkHorizontally ExitAnimation.ShrinkVertically ``` ## Easing ```kotlin Easing.FastOutSlowInEasing Easing.LinearOutSlowInEasing Easing.FastOutLinearInEasing Easing.LinearEasing ``` Fade | SharedAxisX | SharedAxisY | SharedAxisZ | | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | | | | | | ElevationScale | SlideIn(SlideOut) | SlideHorizontally | SlideVertically | | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | | | | | | Scale| Expand | Expand Horizontally | Expand Vertically | | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | | | | | |
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