AndyObtiva / glimmer-dsl-libui

Glimmer DSL for LibUI - Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development Cross-Platform Native GUI Library - The Quickest Way From Zero To GUI - If You Liked Shoes, You'll Love Glimmer! - No need to pre-install any prerequisites. Just install the gem and have platform-independent GUI that just works on Mac, Windows, and Linux.
MIT License
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Show text when :button is clicked #58

Closed sergioro9 closed 10 months ago

sergioro9 commented 10 months ago

I would like "hello world" to be displayed below the button when the button is clicked. I tried this but nothing happens when I click the button:

body do
  button("Test button") {
    on_clicked do

def sample_text
  label {
    text 'hello world'
AndyObtiva commented 10 months ago

When relying on Glimmer::LibUI::Application, it is assumed that the body block would have a window first as the parent of everything.

Also, if you just render a label as in sample_text, but inside an on_clicked listener block, it won't go anywhere. It needs to be added to the content of a parent control in order to show up.

In any case, there are multiple solutions to your problem, included below.

1- Include button and label from the start, and when button is clicked, update label text via data-binding

require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'

class Greeting
  attr_accessor :text

  def initialize(text = '')
    @text = text

class ShowLabel
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application

  before_body do
    @greeting =

  body {
    window('Show Label 1') {
      margined true

      vertical_box {
        button('Show Label') {
          on_clicked do
            @greeting.text = 'hello world'
        label {
          text <= [@greeting, :text]

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4 19 15 PM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4 19 17 PM

2- Include button only in the beginning, and when button is clicked, add label to the content of its parent vertical_box (if the button is clicked again, do nothing)

require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'

class ShowLabel
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application

  body {
    window('Show Label 2') {
      margined true

      vertical_box { |label_box|
        button('Show Label') {
          on_clicked do
            unless @label_shown
              label_box.content {
                label {
                  text 'hello world'
              @label_shown = true

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4 21 18 PM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4 21 21 PM

2- Include button only in the beginning, and when button is clicked, destroy button and replace it by adding a label to the content of its parent vertical_box

require 'glimmer-dsl-libui'

class ShowLabel
  include Glimmer::LibUI::Application

  body {
    window('Show Label 3') {
      margined true

      vertical_box { |label_box|
        button('Show Label') { |show_label_button|
          on_clicked do
            unless @label_shown
              label_box.content {
                label {
                  text 'hello world'
              @label_shown = true

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4 23 01 PM Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 4 23 03 PM

I am closing this issue assuming I answered your question. If I did not answer your question fully or you have other questions, feel free to reply even if the issue is closed. I will see your replies anyways and will respond further here or even reopen the issue if needed.

sergioro9 commented 10 months ago

Thank you, your examples are clear and answered my question.

The first version of my GUI app is ready, but I don't know how to publish it in Windows, MacOS, Linux. It seems that "glimmer package" does that for Glimmer for SWT, but is there a similar command for LibUI?

AndyObtiva commented 10 months ago

I’m glad I answered your question.

I have not done enough work to support packaging on different platforms yet. But, there is a Packaging section in the README with some information about native executable packaging for different platforms:

On Windows, there is a new tool to help build a Windows executable:

If you discover better ways of packaging, you can report back and contribute to the README.


AndyObtiva commented 10 months ago

I just remembered that there is a new way to package Ruby applications on all platforms via Ruby WASM WASI. I haven’t tested it yet, but maybe you can try it if needed. I added it to the packaging section of the project README. Below is the direct link.