AndyReifman / ArseneWenger

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Docker Upgrades #93

Closed reddit-tennis closed 11 months ago

reddit-tennis commented 11 months ago

Use python:3.10 base image to enable Pillow and Panda to build faster.

Build requirements first so we leverage cached layers for faster development.

Add a .dockerignore file so that we exclude files not relevant to the build process.

Reduces build time from 10+ minutes to 20 seconds ~


reddit-tennis commented 11 months ago

In case anyone wants to test:

docker build -t wenger --no-cache . 
docker run -d wenger
AndyReifman commented 11 months ago

Reduces build time from 10+ minutes to 20 seconds ~

[+] Building 647.1s (9/9) FINISHED                                                                       docker:desktop-linux

So That was a lie.