AndyReifman / ArseneWenger

1 stars 12 forks source link

Discord Bot (Arsene Wenger)

Contributors Open Issues Forks

Welcome to the best bot named after a former Arsenal manager that lives in the /r/gunners Discord channel


This guide assumes you've already setup git and your SSH keys with your personal GitHub account.

If not already setup, follow

  1. Fork, and download the project locally, and follow to setup the bot.
  2. Switch the tracking branch of your project to your personal fork
    1. git remote rename origin upstream
    2. git remote add origin <URL_OF_YOUR_FORK>
    3. git fetch origin
    4. git branch --set-upstream-to origin/master master
  3. Happy coding!
  4. Add your config.json file:
  "prefix": "!"
  "token": "discord_token"


This bot works with many different slash commands, type a slash "/" to get started.
At any point you can also issue !help to get legacy commands listed.


If you have any features you would like to suggest or need any support, please don't hesitate to open an issue!