Andyfanshen / RayTracing-with-Unity-URP

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Dots ! #3

Open Entretoize opened 3 months ago

Entretoize commented 3 months ago

This project seems pretty good, I need raytracing in my project to render high quality screenshots, however, I can't get your feature to work. It creates a dotted image:

Capture d'écran 2024-03-26 131601

What I am missing ?

Entretoize commented 3 months ago

Using provided settings I have better result, but still have some little noise, is there a setting somewhere to set a high number of samples ? I can't find it. Also I still have some black that shouldn't be there. And why there's a floor rendered when no floor object is present ??

Capture d'écran 2024-03-26 171723

Andyfanshen commented 3 months ago

Using provided settings I have better result, but still have some little noise, is there a setting somewhere to set a high number of samples ? I can't find it. Also I still have some black that shouldn't be there. And why there's a floor rendered when no floor object is present ??

Capture d'écran 2024-03-26 171723

This project is a toy test renderer for uniform path tracing with compute shader and renderer feature. As it is sampled uniformly for most bsdf, it's hard to reduce all noise, even worse, accumulation may lead to floating overflow! The stayed floor appeared for the assumption "Scene is static", refresh (disable, then enable) the renderer feature may remove the floor. Unfortunately, this project has stopped maintenance. If you would like a more stable, robust and efficient path tracing renderer in Unity Engine, and you also have the hardware supports hardware-raytracing (i.e. RTX series GPU cards), you may try this project: