Angelo7672 / ingsw2022-AM25

Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2021-2022 - Eriantys
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Prova Finale Ingegneria del Software 2021-2022

Team AM25

Project Description

The project is the final test of the Software Engineering course held at Politecnico di Milano
Final Score: 30/30 cum laude

It consists of a Java version of the board game Eriantys, by CranioCreations (the rules of the game can be found here).
This repository includes the source code of the game and of the unity tests, and the executable versione of the game (.jar), plus all the information regarding the implementation.

How to run

Java version: 17

To run the jar via terminal, you need to go to the directory where the jar file is locate and use the following command:
java -jar AM25-1.0.jar
Make sure to have the correct Java version installed.

When the jar file is started, the user can select between Server and Client. It is necessary to start the Server first, then is possible to connect the Clients. A server supports from 2 to 4 clients.
Select 0 to start the Server, 1 to run the Client with CLI (Command Line Interface) or GUI (Graphical Interface)

Note: when starting the GUI, it will take some time to load

Implemented functionalities

Functionality State
Basic rules 🟒
Complete rules 🟒
Socket 🟒
Special Characters 🟒
4-players Game 🟒
Multiple Games πŸ”΄
Persistence 🟒
Resilience to disconnections πŸ”΄

πŸ”΄ not implemented
🟒 implemented
🟑 in progress

Tests coverage

Package Lines coverage Classes coverage
Model 83% 100%
Controller 81% 91%