Angry-Squirrels / RadEngine

A Haxe game engine
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Stories in Ready RadEngine

A Haxe game engine based on ash entity system.


Using the power of Entity System to make game rapidly with the editor. More tweaking, less compilation time.


git clone
cd RadEngine 
haxelib dev radengine .


RadEngine use OpenFL, so you first need to create an OpenFL project. Then, in your project.xml, remove every haxelib and add

<haxelib name="radengine" />

Then you'll need System and Components for your entitys. You can create your own, but I recommand you to first use the SimpleBundle. A Bundle is a set of System and Components specialised in a particular task, such as Rendering or Physics. Bundles can be considered as sub engine.

How to use a bundle

You can use a bundle just as you would use a haxelib. Actually they are haxelib so all you need to do is cloning the bundle and set it as a dev haxelib with command line like so :

git clone 
cd SimpleBundle
haxelib dev simplebundle .

Then add it in your game's project.xml :

<haxelib name="simplebundle" />

You're now ready to use the basic Components and systems.

Debug mode

RadEngine use a lot the "#if debug" preprocessor. In debug build, you should have access to the editor by pressing ctrl + alt + D. The game is now in edit mode. In edit mode, you can create scene and entity, or edit an existing scene, and save.

Here is a list of the available command in edit mode :