Angularne / angular2-express-mysql-typescript-seed

This project is on hold. The whole project is continued in Angularne´s repository Kosystem. This seed uses an old version of Angular 2 and does not work properly.
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angular2-express-mysql-typescript-seed for a head start when building your own website. This seed is ready for use, but still have a lot off faults. Angular 2 is so new that there is no real guidelines of how to set up your project. This is our example of how you can do it.


  1. Actually set up mysql
  2. Give the site a REST api
  3. ++++


  1. Clone the repository from github:

    git clone
  2. Once you have the repository, download all the required modules from npm with

    npm install
  3. Run a Typescript transpiler to build the project

    tsc -p client
    tsc -p server
  4. To run the server, start the server.js file with node

    npm start
  5. Use your favorite browser to access your new website at localhost:3000