Animesh606 / WeatherForcasting
MIT License
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Weather Forecasting Web App

Project Overview

Welcome to the Weather Forecasting Web App project! This application empowers users to access real-time weather information and temperature details for any city. Leveraging the OpenWeatherMap API, the project showcases a responsive and intuitive interface. Built with Node.js on the backend, EJS for templating, and vanilla JavaScript for the frontend, it's a simple yet effective tool for staying updated on weather conditions.


Contribution Guidelines (JWOC)

Thank you for considering contributing to our project as part of JGEC Winter of Code (JWOC)! We appreciate your enthusiasm. Follow these additional steps to make your contribution journey smoother:

  1. Create or Identify an Existing Issue:

    • Browse through existing issues or create a new one if you identify an area for improvement or a bug. Provide a brief explanation of the issue to guide potential contributors.
  2. Get Assigned to the Issue by Mentor:

    • Express your interest in working on a specific issue by commenting on it. A mentor will review your comment and assign the issue to you if it's available. This ensures clear ownership and coordination.
  3. Fork the Repository:

    • Fork the project repository to your GitHub account.
  4. Clone the Repository:

    • Clone your forked repository to your local machine using the git clone command.
  5. Make Changes:

    • Implement necessary changes or enhancements to the codebase.
  6. Create a Pull Request (PR):

    • Submit a Pull Request to the main repository, providing a clear explanation of the changes made.
  7. Communication:

    • Engage with the community and project maintainers on the designated communication channels.

Getting Started

To run the Weather Forecasting Web App locally, follow these user-friendly steps:

  1. Install Node.js:

    • Make sure you have Node.js installed on your machine.
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Run npm install in the project root directory to install required packages.
  3. Start the Server:

    • Execute node index.js to launch the server.
  4. Access the App:

    • Open your web browser and go to http://localhost:8000 to explore the application.

Additional Information

Enjoy your journey of contributing to the Weather Forecasting Web App as part of JGEC Winter of Code!

Contribute for JWoC-2k24
