Annie-McElroy / the-village

Mobile-first application that allows users to share childcare-related resources. Users can set up their own village or join an existing village and submit childcare-related requests and trade "crayons" (points) with other villagers.
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link
fullstack graphql mongodb mongoose react

The Village

It takes a village to raise a child.

You're likely familiar with this old proverb. And while many members of our modern society may have children, there are very, very few among us who have a village at our disposal. This is where The Village app seeks to assist users.


Using The Village app, users can create a private "village" or join a pre-existing village in their location by using their zip code. Users are granted "crayons" (the app's local form of currency) when they create a profile. These crayons can be used to trade for favors related to childcare with fellow villagers.

>>Link to live application - deployed in Heroku ➡️

For a detailed explanation of how to use the app, see the Usage section below.

Table of Contents


No installation is necessary to use The Village App right now.

This application was designed with an emphasis on mobile-first, so ideally future versions will be downloadable. It is currently unavailable as a PWA and is not available through Google Play or the App Store.


Upon opening the app, users are greeted by a landing page that allows them to sign up, log in, or navigate to our "Team Member" and "What Is the Village" pages.

What is the Village

If a user navigates to this page, they will get a brief introduction to what The Village does and how they can access it. A short list of FAQs is accessible through a drop-down menu.

what is the village

Team Members

When a user navigates to this page, they are greeted with a list of our contributing team members and a brief biography for each.


The application offers returning users (or villagers) the opportunity to login.

log in


New users are able to create a profile and enter the app.

sign up

Profile Page

Logged in villagers can see their profile page, listing their current crayon count. Villagers can also view their:

Any of these selected profile details can be edited by the villager as needed. Villagers can also delete their account at any time.


Village Home Page

Villagers can access the village home page of the village they've joined. This page will list all active requests from other villagers. By clicking on the "Ask the Village!" button they are able to create a new request.

the village

Villager's Request

Villagers can select a title, description, and number of crayons when making a new request to the village.


...and more!

Even more functionality is coming in future versions.

Technologies Used

Back End

MongoDB Express.js NodeJS GraphQL

Front End

React JSX MUI JavaScript

CSS3 Figma


Near-Future Improvements

In the short time we had for this initial build, we were unable to include some of the basic functionality in the app that we had initially planned for our MVC release version. The top priority improvements for us will allow:

Future Version Improvements

For future version releases, we have further goals and possibilities for the app. These include:


The development team for The Village app includes:



Pull requests are welcome. Please open an issue first to discuss any proposed changes or additions.


License: MIT
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.