Anon-Exploiter / ine-dl

Python script to download INE courses including labs, exercises, quizzes, slides, and, videos!
MIT License
17 stars 8 forks source link

Request For Trials #14

Closed lotfyman95 closed 4 months ago

lotfyman95 commented 7 months ago

got an Error message while it was fetching paid subscription courses while I was on a trial

IndexError: list Index out of Range

'MainThread' (20720):
Traceback (most recent call last):

> File "D:\ine-dl\", line 1074, in <module>
    └ <function main at 0x000002C49DCD18A0>

  File "D:\ine-dl\", line 1026, in main
    user_subscriptions = fetch_user_subscriptions(all_course_contents, courses_with_access, all_courses_metadata)
                         │                        │                    │                    └ 'all_courses_metadata.json'
                         │                        │                    └ 'all_courses_with_access.json'
                         │                        └ [{'id': 'bfba41be-429a-11e4-a79f-22000b3582a3', 'tags': ['CCNA', 'Cisco', 'Security'], 'images': {'main_image_url': 'https://...
                         └ <function fetch_user_subscriptions at 0x000002C49DCD1120>

  File "D:\ine-dl\", line 306, in fetch_user_subscriptions
    subscriptions = json.loads(user_subs.text).get("data")[0].get("passes").get("data")
                    │    │     │         └ <property object at 0x000002C49DA0D490>
                    │    │     └ <Response [200]>
                    │    └ <function loads at 0x000002C49D366AC0>
                    └ <module 'json' from 'C:\\Program Files\\WindowsApps\\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.12_3.12.496.0_x64__qbz5n2kfra8p0\\Lib\...

IndexError: list index out of range
Anon-Exploiter commented 7 months ago

If it's possible, pass me the account. I'll take a look.

Can you access courses just fine online?

lotfyman95 commented 7 months ago

I can access courses online Normally, Unfortunately this is not possible Since it's Business Related Credintials

lotfyman95 commented 7 months ago

it appears after using the latest version of the @Jayapraveen code that I do not have the subscription/pass to Download the courses although I can browse freely and play the videos, However, in the @Jayapraveen script I can list the all courses. believe if the listing was tied to subscription authorization it wouldn't have worked.

LOLCATATONIA commented 7 months ago

I am also receiving this error on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

Business credentials as well. Can I help debug somehow?

Yes, seems like line 297 doesn't work for us. returns: {"data":[],"meta":{"cursor":{"current":1,"prev":null,"next":null,"count":0}}}

Anon-Exploiter commented 4 months ago

I am also receiving this error on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS.

Business credentials as well. Can I help debug somehow?

Yes, seems like line 297 doesn't work for us. returns: {"data":[],"meta":{"cursor":{"current":1,"prev":null,"next":null,"count":0}}}

Business APIs might differ a bit, happy to share creds?

Anon-Exploiter commented 4 months ago

@lotfyman95 this is now fixed. For any further comments or issues regarding the fix, use the issue #17.