Anon-Exploiter / ine-dl

Python script to download INE courses including labs, exercises, quizzes, slides, and, videos!
MIT License
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INE-DL (INE course downloader)

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Python script to download INE courses including labs, exercises, quizzes, slides, and, videos!


How does this script work? (if you want to understand the code)

The script was written based on the APIs of iOS application to prevent Google's Invisible captcha implementation hence you will see a header (X-Ine-Mobile) hard coded in the script with an static API key required for the IOS API calls to succeed (this is hard-coded in the iOS application binary and can easily be grepped).


  1. The script starts with loading the credentials (username/email and password) from config.json file
  2. It then proceeds to login into the INE account and loading the JWT token into Authorization header to use in next API calls
  3. The script then does an API call to download the metadata of all the INE courses present and write into all_courses_metadata.json
  4. It then checks for the subscriptions the user account has and filters the courses fetched and creates another file named all_courses_with_access.json with the data

Downloading of videos:

  1. Does an API call to fetch the video name, url, and checks if subtitle URL is present and downloads all those!
  2. Also filters based on the resolution and goes from 1080, 720 -> low

Downloading of slides (format looks like the following):

  1. An initial request returns the slide metadata containing a link to index.html file (with cookies in response headers)
  2. We store the cookies and then download browsersupport.js and player.js files (static can be reused with other slides)
  3. INE uses a mix of css, js, woff, and, pngs but all have incrementable file names (format differs for text and binary files)
  4. Wrote a while loop until the incremented file returns 404 and then stops the downloading of category: CSS/JS/WOFF/PNG
  5. It also downloads any attachments added with the slides.

Downloading of quizzes (with right answers):

  1. This was quite a pickle, looked into the quiz solving API call, first request returns a JSON containing the whole quiz content
  2. Second request is a PUT request with right/wrong answers from user, in response to this, the JSON body now contains a new key is_correct containing the right answer
  3. Wrote logic for posting the JSON body taken from the initial request, modified it to required standards, the server doesn't need options to be selected either
  4. The PUT request then returns the right answers, two files are made with no answers and correct answers.

Downloading of exercises:

  1. This was quite simple, an API call returns the contents in both Markdown and HTML format
  2. For ease of cross-platform usage, I've only stored the HTML content with _exercise_ in file name.

Downloading of labs:

  1. You lose an edge here, in most of the cases, the labs are stored on INE cloud.
  2. The script only stores the HTML content of it (if present)


Install modules

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Install aria2

sudo apt install aria2

Works on

Download ine-dl

You can download the latest version of ine-dl by cloning the GitHub repository.

git clone --depth 1

Help menu

└─$ python3

██╗███╗   ██╗███████╗    ██████╗ ██╗     
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██║██╔██╗ ██║█████╗█████╗██║  ██║██║     
██║██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝╚════╝██║  ██║██║     
██║██║ ╚████║███████╗    ██████╔╝███████╗
╚═╝╚═╝  ╚═══╝╚══════╝    ╚═════╝ ╚══════╝

Usage: python3 --all

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Basic arguments (one or more):
  -l LOG, --log-output LOG
                        Logs output of the script (if required later)
  -lct, --list-categories
                        List all categories
  -lcc, --list-courses  List all courses
  -lcct LCCT, --list-categories-courses LCCT
                        List all courses of a specific category UUID from -lct

Necessary arguments:
  -p PROCESSES, --processes PROCESSES
                        Number of parallel processes to launch (2 if nothing specified)
  -c COURSE, --course COURSE
                        Download course based on provided UUID from -lcc
  -ct CATEGORY, --category CATEGORY
                        Download whole category based on provided UUID from -lct
  -a, --all             Download all courses of all categories

Arguments usage

Running the Script (displays help menu with no args)


Listing all the courses

python -lc

Listing course categories

python -lct 

Listing all the courses of a specific category

python -lcct {category_id}

Logging the script's output into a log file

python <general_args> -l logfile.log

Downloading all the INE course (your subscription has access to, with/without parallel processing)

python --all
python --all -p 2

Downloading a single course

python -c {course_id}

Downloading all courses of specified category (with/without parallel processes)

python -ct {category_id}
python -ct {category_id} -p 2

To DOs




Please use the script w.r.t the usage guidelines of INE. Do not exhaust their backend servers. Do not dump and share the courses publicly.

Please use this on your own risk, If your account is blocked by the usage of this script, I won't be responsible.