An app that prevents scams.
The Python backend for both features is located here.
Requires Python 3.9 installed on any OS. Consider using pyenv.
Set up the development environment in Linux:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -Ur requirements.txt
Either run the frontend locally (see instructions in cybershield-ui), or use our hosted instance at
Input your full name[^1] under "Your name" (The full name is needed for good results)
Input more context about you under "Additional information about you", like your educational or work experience. This helps the AI to know which person you are.
Optionally, you can enter your email to check whether it was found in any data breaches.
Optionally, you can enter your Instgram username to see what publicly available information can be found in your profile.
We used Label Sleuth to create a classification model to determine whether a website is suspicious or not. The training data is the URL combined with the first 10,000 characters in the website's HTML.
Bad websites: (Unified hosts + fakenews)
Good websites:
You can see the CSV files containing our training data in the training-data
(TODO) Write a whole legal disclaimer about the OSINT tool
The webchecker is not completely reliable, so exercise your own judgement when browsing the web. If a website seems suspicious, don't click on the link.
[^1]: Please use your own name. We are not responsible for any cases of this tool being used for stalking.