AnoshMalik / starter-kit-practice

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Starter Kit

Deploy to Render


Note if you have any problems setting up the starter kit, see the wiki and, if still not solved, post to #cyf-full-stack-starter-kit in Slack.

Pick one member of the team to own the repository and pipeline. That person should do the following:

  1. Click the "Use this template" button above (see GitHub's docs) to create your team repository and name it something appropriate for your project.
    • Your repo should say "generated from", not "forked from", "CodeYourFuture/cyf-final-project-starter-kit" at the top
  2. In your repo, click the "Deploy to Render" button at the top of the README and log in using GitHub when prompted.
  3. Fill in a service group name for your application and then click "Apply".
  4. Once it has deployed successfully, click the "managed resources" link to view the application details.

Whenever you commit to main (or e.g. merge a pull request) it will get automatically deployed!

You should now make sure all of the project team are collaborators on the repository.


Various scripts are provided in the package file, but many are helpers for other scripts; here are the ones you'll commonly use:


While running the dev mode using npm run dev, you can attach the Node debugger to the server process via port 9229. If you're using VS Code, a debugging configuration is provided for this.

There is also a VS Code debugging configuration for the Chrome debugger, which requires the recommended Chrome extension, for debugging the client application.


If the project handles any kind of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) then make sure the following principles are followed:


See the guidance in the wiki.