AnselmC / double-descent

This repo aims to reproduce the results from the double-descent paper
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The double-descent curve

This repository was created as part of the seminar Generalization and Optimization in Deep Learning led by Thomas Frerix during the winter semester 2019/2020 at the TU Munich.

The goal is to reproduce the results of the paper Reconciling modern machine learning practices with the classical bias-variance tradeoff by Belkin et al at Ohio State.

Currently, it is possible to compute the random feature models (both fourier and relu) and the two layer net on the MNIST dataset.


Getting started

To get started you can install numpy, matplotlib, and sklearn easily using the requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will allow you to compute the Random Feature models on your CPU and plot the results. If you want to use your GPU, you will need to install cupy: pip install cupy. If you want to compute the two layer net, you'll need pytorch and install the correct version from here

Random features


usage: [-h] --config CONFIG [--relu] [--cuda] [--one_hot]

Compute RFF or ReLu RFF using linear regression

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG  json file that holds config information
  --relu           Whether to use relu or not (default: False)
  --cuda           Whether to use cuda or not (default: False)
  --one_hot        Whether to use one-hot encoding for output (default: False)
  --unit_sphere    Whether to sample vis from unit-sphere (will otherwise be
                   sampled from N(0, 0.04)


usage: [-h] --saveto FILE_PREFIX [--bg BG] [--fg FG]
                                 results [results ...]

Plot random feature results from experiments

positional arguments:
  results               the result json file(s). Expected in order of
                        increasing capacity sizes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --saveto FILE_PREFIX  The file prefix to save the plots to
  --bg BG               The desired background color of the plot. Any
                        acceptable matplotlib string (default "black")
  --fg FG               The desired label color of the plot. Any acceptable
                        matplotlib string (default "white")
  --transparent         Save plot with transparent background

Two layer Neural Network


usage: [-h] [--model {0,1,2}] [--prev PREV] [--num NUM] --config
                   CONFIG [--loss {0,1,2}] [--epochs EPOCHS]

Run multiple trainings with growing network capacity

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --model {0,1,2}  select model to train: 0 [two_layer_net], 1 [Random Fourier
                   Features], 2 [Random ReLU Features]
  --prev PREV      run single model size given path to model of previous size
  --num NUM        the number of model sizes to run, starting at smallest
                   model or model given with --prev flag
  --config CONFIG  config file for training
  --loss {0,1,2}   The loss function to use 0 [Squared](default), 1 [Zero-
                   one], 2 [Cross-Entropy]
  --epochs EPOCHS  The number of epochs to train, if not given, the value in
                   the config file is taken


usage: [-h] --saveto FILE_PREFIX [--bg BG] [--fg FG]
                                 results [results ...]

Plot random feature results from experiments

positional arguments:
  results               the result json file(s). Expected in order of
                        increasing capacity sizes

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --saveto FILE_PREFIX  The file prefix to save the plots to
  --bg BG               The desired background color of the plot. Any
                        acceptable matplotlib string (default "black")
  --fg FG               The desired label color of the plot. Any acceptable
                        matplotlib string (default "white")
  --transparent         Save plot with transparent background


If you would like to contribute to this venture (by fixing bugs, adding features, models, datasets, etc.) please feel free to create a pull request.