Answart / next-store

React e-commerce app where users can buy, update, or sell products. It uses React's Next.js and GraphQL's Apollo frameworks and the Cloudinary and Stripe APIs. :electron: :pushpin: :construction:
MIT License
30 stars 2 forks source link
apollo cloudinary cloudinary-api e-commerce enzyme graphql graphql-yoga heroku jest mailtrap nextjs postmark prisma react store stripe stripe-api styled-components travis-ci

Next Store

Build Status Heroku MIT Coverage Status

:construction: WORK IN PROGRESS :construction:

An e-commerce app where a user can browse among products with which they can buy or sell. It contains a client app built in React using it's Next.js framework and GraphQL's Apollo framework. The server app uses a GraphQL Yoga server with Prisma as the database interface.

User stories

Tech Stack and Key Packages

Client Side * [React]( Javascript Framework * [Next.js]( React Framework for server side rendering/routing/tooling * [Apollo]( GraphQL Framework for Data Management * [Styled-Components]( CSS for styling React component systems * [Jest]( Javascript testing * [Enzyme]( React testing utility * [Cloudinary]( Image hosting API
Server Side * [GraphQL]( Query language for APIs * [GraphQL Yoga]( Express GraphQL server * [Prisma]( GraphQL database interface * [Bcryptjs]( Password hashing * [JSON Web Token]( User authentication * [MailTrap]( Development emailing * [Postmark]( Production emailing * [nodemailer]( Sending email with NodeJS * [Stripe]( E-commerce API

App Map

│   ├──.env                Server side environment variables
│   ├──datamodel.prisma    Type definitions for server querying generated by prisma
│   ├──prisma/
│   │   ├──prisma.yml            Prisma config file
│   │   └──.graphqlconfig.yml    GraphQL config file
│   └──src/
│       ├──index.js              Server root which sets up the Prisma DB connection/querying and the GraphQL Yoga server
│       ├──mail.js               Mailtrap integration through nodemailer and Email Templates
│       ├──schema.graphql        GraphQL yoga schema with type definitions for client facing calls
│       ├──stripe.js             Stripe API connection
│       ├──utils.js              Utility methods
│       ├──generated/            Generated files from Prisma
│       │   └──prisma.graphql          Generated Prisma schema type definitions
│       └──resolvers/            Files for how server works with incoming/outgoing data
│           ├──Mutation/               Config files for updating server data
│           └──Query.js                Config file for receiving server data
    ├──config.js           Client side config
    ├──jest.setup.js       File setup React Jest and to configure Enzyme into Jest
    ├──__test__/           Test files for pages and components
    ├──static/             Assets like logo, fonts, or extra css
    ├──lib/                Files for utility and testing
    │   ├──cloudinary.js         Cloudinary API calls
    │   ├──utils.js              Utility methods
    │   ├──init-apollo.js        Apollo client setup
    │   ├──with-apollo-client.js Integration of Apollo client with app.
    │   └──test-utils/           Graphql mocks and dummyData for test calls
    ├──graphql/            Client side graphql query/mutations
    ├──components/         Component files called by pages and styles folder
    │   └──styles/               CSS for components using the styled-components package
    └──pages/              App page files
        ├──_app.js               App root for navigating pages and persisting state between page changes
        ├──_document.js          File to implement server side rendering for css-in-js libraries
        ├──buy.js                Product page
        ├──index.js              Home page
        ├──order.js              Order page
        ├──orders.js             List page of Orders
        ├──permissions.js        User permissions page
        ├──reset.js              Reset User password page
        ├──sales.js              List page of OrderItems (Variants sold)
        ├──sell.js               Create Product page
        ├──shop.js               Products catalog page
        ├──signup.js             User signup/login page
            ├──edit.js               Update Product page
            ├──selections.js         Update Product's Variants page
            └──add.js                Update Product with new Variant page

Getting Started

Server setup

Install dependencies
# ./server/
$ npm install
Create .env file Create an **.env** file in the server directory which will be updated during setup. See also **./server/.env_example**. ```bash # ./server/.env NODE_ENV=development APP_SECRET=my-super-secret HOST=http://localhost PORT=4242 DEV_CLIENT_URL=http://localhost:7272 PROD_CLIENT_URL= PROD_SERVER_URL= CLOUDINARY_API_KEY= CLOUDINARY_PRESET=nextstore CLOUDINARY_SECRET= PRISMA_DEV_ENDPOINT= PRISMA_PROD_ENDPOINT= PRISMA_SECRET= PRISMA_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET= STRIPE_SECRET= MAILTRAP_HOST= MAILTRAP_PORT= MAILTRAP_USER= MAILTRAP_PASS= POSTMARK_HOST= POSTMARK_PORT= POSTMARK_USER= POSTMARK_PASS= ```
Setup Cloudinary 1. Create or access your [**Cloudinary**]( account. 2. Grab your API key (**CLOUDINARY_API_KEY**) and API secret (**CLOUDINARY_SECRET**) from the [main console page]( 3. Create a [folder]( where uploads will be stored. 4. Add an [upload preset]( to set the dimensions uploaded files will be transformed into. (**CLOUDINARY_PRESET**)
Setup MailTrap 1. Create or access your [**MailTrap**]( account. 2. Create a demo inbox and check the SMTP Settings page for the Host, Port, Username, and Password credentials to be used in your env file.(**MAILTRAP_HOST**, **MAILTRAP_PORT**, **MAILTRAP_USER**, **MAILTRAP_PASS**) (Postmark setup is unnecessary for local)
Setup Stripe 1. Create or access your [**Stripe**]( account. (Confirm your account in your email if creating an account) 2. Click the [API keys]( link under the Developers tab. 3. Grab the **Publishable Key** and update **STRIPE_API_KEY** on the **client side** with this key (aka **./client/config.js**) 4. Grab the **Secret key** and update **STRIPE_SECRET** in the .env file on the **server side** (aka **./server/.env**)
Setup Prisma 1. Create or access your [**Prisma**]( account. 2. Globally install prisma then login to prisma in the terminal. ```bash # ./server/ $ npm install -g prisma $ prisma login ``` 3. [Set up Prisma]( by using the [prisma-cli]( in the terminal to generate your endpoint. ```bash # ./server/ $ prisma init # ? Set up a new Prisma server or deploy to an existing server? > Demo server # ? Choose the region of your demo server # (for me it was 'answart/demo-us1') > PRISMA-WORKSPACE/PRISMA-SERVER # ? Choose a name for your service > next-store-dev # ? Choose a name for your stage (dev) > dev # ? Select the programming language for the generated Prisma client > Don\'t generate ``` It will generate the files **datamodel.graphql** and **prisma.yml**. 4. Place the endpoint url from the generated **prisma.yml** as the **PRISMA_DEV_ENDPOINT** in your .env file. Delete the generated files as the endpoint is now in the .env file and generated files are already configured in the prisma directory. 5. Run the deploy script. Any changes from this point on can be deployed with the following script: ```bash $ npm run deploy:dev ```

Client setup

Install dependencies
# ./client/
$ npm install
Update client config file Update config file variables with the environment variables set in **./server/.env** with the same name. ```bash # ./client/config.js # ... export const PROD_SERVER_URL = 'PUTHERE'; export const CLOUDINARY_API_KEY = 'PUTHERE'; export const CLOUDINARY_PRESET = 'PUTHERE'; export const CLOUDINARY_SECRET = 'PUTHERE'; export const STRIPE_API_KEY = 'PUBLISHABLE-KEY-FROM-STRIPE'; # ... ```

Start App

Start server app locally
# ./server/
$ npm run start:dev
Start client app locally (in separate tab)
# ./client/
$ npm run start:dev

View app at localhost:7272 when both client and server are running.

NPM Commands

Command Description
npm install Install dependencies
npm test Run test files
npm run start:dev Launch app