Antelope-Memento / antelope_memento

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Memento: lightweight EOSIO history solution

In essence, Memento is a MariaDB or Postgresql/TimescaleDB database containing transaction traces from an Antelope (ex-EOSIO) blockchain (such as EOS, Telos or WAX), and providing convenient indexes for quick searching.

A typical use case for Memento is tracking incoming and outgoing payments for a specific account, and checking their reversibility.

The database may contain traces for all contracts on the blockchain, or it may be limited to a specific subset of accounts. Dapps can set up their own instances, while public infrastructure providers may offer the service to a wider audience.

The tool supports active-standby redundancy with two writer processes: the standby process records its data in BKP_TRACES table, and monitors the master activity. Once it notices that the master stopped updating the database, it takes over the active role and continues writing the blockchain events. The old master switches to standby mode in this case.

The standby writer is also cleaning up transactions that are older than a specified retention period. If you are running Memento in a single-writer mode, you can launch the memento_dataguard service that will clean the old transactions.

Memento needs one or two EOSIO state history feeds. It uses Chronicle software for decoding the state history.


An HTTP API is available as a standalone package:

It only needs access to the memento database (both MySQL and postgres are supported).


Installation instructions for an Ubuntu 20.04 host. In this example, a single writer is taking a WAX state history feed and storing it in a MariaDB database.

## Install Chronicle

apt install ./eosio-chronicle-2.4-Clang-11.0.1-ubuntu20.04-x86_64.deb
cp /usr/local/share/chronicle_receiver\@.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload

## Database engine

apt-get update && apt-get install -y mariadb-server mariadb-client

## Perl modules for the writer

apt install -y cpanminus libjson-xs-perl libjson-perl libmysqlclient-dev libdbi-perl libwww-perl make gcc
cpanm --notest Net::WebSocket::Server
cpanm --notest DBD::MariaDB

## Memento writer

git clone /opt/antelope_memento
cd /opt/antelope_memento
cp systemd/*.service /etc/systemd/system/
systemctl daemon-reload

## initialize the MariaDB users
sh sql/mysql/

## create the database for WAX history
sh sql/mysql/ memento_wax

## writer service. Here 8806 is the TCP port is where Chronicle will send its output.
## You need to pick the port number that is free on your host.
## The first writer has always id=1, and the second writer should have id=2 if you
## run it in dual-writer mode.
echo 'DBWRITER_OPTS="--id=1 --port=8806 --dsn=dbi:MariaDB:database=memento_wax"' >/etc/default/memento_wax1
systemctl enable memento_dbwriter@wax1
systemctl start memento_dbwriter@wax1

## Dataguard will erase database records older than the specified number of days.
echo 'DBWRITER_OPTS="--dsn=dbi:MariaDB:database=memento_wax --keepdays=2"' >/etc/default/memento_dataguard_wax
systemctl enable memento_dataguard@wax
systemctl start memento_dataguard@wax

## Chronicle initialization. Here host and port point to the EOSIO state history source
mkdir -p /srv/memento_wax1/chronicle-config
cat >/srv/memento_wax1/chronicle-config/config.ini <<'EOT'
host =
port = 8080
mode = scan
skip-block-events = true
plugin = exp_ws_plugin
exp-ws-host =
exp-ws-port = 8806
exp-ws-bin-header = true
skip-table-deltas = true
skip-account-info = true

# You need to initialize the Chronicle database from the first block
# in the state history archive. See the Chronicle Tutorial for more
# details. You may point it to some other state history source during
# the initialization. Here we launch it in scan-noexport mode for faster initialization.
/usr/local/sbin/chronicle-receiver --config-dir=/srv/memento_wax1/chronicle-config \
 --data-dir=/srv/memento_wax1/chronicle-data \ --port=8080 \
 --start-block=186332760 --mode=scan-noexport --end-block=186332800

# Once it stops at the end block, launch the service
systemctl enable chronicle_receiver@memento_wax1
systemctl start chronicle_receiver@memento_wax1

# the database will catch up to the head block, and will be ready fort use.
journalctl -u memento_dbwriter@wax1 -f

If you want to launch Memento in dual-writer mode, you need to add a line into SYNC table and start another writer with --id=2 option. It makes sense to run the second writer on an independent host, with an independent state history source. Also the dataguard is not needed in dual-writer mode, as the standby writer is cleaning up the old data rows.

# adding the second writer
mysql memento_wax --execute="INSERT INTO SYNC (sourceid, block_num, block_time, irreversible, is_master, last_updated) values (2,0, '2000-01-01',0, 0, '2000-01-01')"

Example queries

# get the current Last irreversible block number (LIR)
SELECT MIN(irreversible) FROM SYNC;

# get all system token transfers related to the account,
# starting from specific position, selecting only irreversible transactions
SELECT recv_sequence, RECEIPTS.block_num, RECEIPTS.block_time, trx_id, trace from TRANSACTIONS
WHERE receiver='jsd4o.c.wam' AND contract='eosio.token' AND action='transfer'
AND recv_sequence>76
AND RECEIPTS.block_num < (SELECT MIN(irreversible) FROM SYNC)

Public access



This work was sponsored by EOS Amsterdam block producer.

Copyright 2022