AntelopeIO / abieos

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Binary <> JSON conversion using ABIs. Compatible with languages which can interface to C; see src/abieos.h.

Alpha release. Feedback requested.

Packing transactions

  1. Create a context: abieos_create
  2. Use abieos_set_abi to load eosjs2/src/transaction.abi into contract 0.
  3. Use abieos_set_abi to load the contract's ABI.
  4. Use abieos_json_to_bin and abieos_get_bin_hex to convert action data to hex. Use abieos_get_type_for_action to get the action's type.
  5. Use abieos_json_to_bin and abieos_get_bin_hex to convert transaction to hex. Use contract = 0 and type = abieos_string_to_name(context, "transaction").
  6. Destroy the context: abieos_destroy

Usage note

abieos expects object attributes to be in order. It will complain about missing attributes if they are out of order.

Example data

Example action data for abieos_json_to_bin:

    "from": "useraaaaaaaa",
    "to": "useraaaaaaab",
    "quantity": "0.0001 SYS",
    "memo": ""

Example transaction data for abieos_json_to_bin:

    "expiration": "2018-06-27T20:33:54.000",
    "ref_block_num": 45323,
    "ref_block_prefix": 2628749070,
    "max_net_usage_words": 0,
    "max_cpu_usage_ms": 0,
    "delay_sec": 0,
    "context_free_actions": [],
    "actions": [{
        "account": "eosio.token",
        "name": "transfer",

Ubuntu 16.04 with gcc 8.1.0

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
