AntelopeLCA / xdb

Exchange database
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Antelope Exchange database

This is a REST HTTP server for hosting LCA data according to the Antelope interface. This repo contains a deployable antelope server that is exposed via a REST API. All the exchange data are static, so a REST model is appropriate.

The server is linked to an authentication and authorization mechanism that would evaluate each request in terms of the requester's access level. Every query must be accompanied by an authorization token that has been computed as indicated in

Run the server

The From the root directory, run:

   XDB_DATA_ROOT=/data/LCI/aws-data uvicorn api:app --host --port 8000 --reload


The default initialized xdb server runs a standard LcCatalog with a local qdb. Resources are added to the catalog through etl. A default self-standing initialization would:

API spec

See api/