提供了一系列适合移动端部署的人脸关键点检测器: 对PFLD网络的基础结构进行优化,并调整网络结构,使其更适合边缘计算,而且在绝大部分情况下精度均好于原始PFLD网络,在CPU下运行最快可达到400fps。
如果想省去环境搭建工作,可以使用以下Docker环境: Docker_PFLD
输入大小为112x112 | Model | Width | NME | Inference Time(NCNN 1xCore) | Model Size |
PFLD | 0.25 1 |
0.06159 0.05837 |
5.5ms 39.7ms |
0.45M 5M |
PFLD_Ultralight | 0.25 1 |
0.06101 (↓0.94%) 0.05749 (↓1.51%) |
3.6ms (↓34.5%) 18.6ms (↓53.1%) |
0.41M (↓8.89%) 3.40M (↓32.0%) |
PFLD_Ultralight_Slim | 0.25 1 |
0.06258 (↑1.61%) 0.05627 (↓3.60%) |
3.3ms (↓40.0%) 16.0ms (↓59.7%) |
0.38M (↓15.6%) 3.10M (↓38.0%) |
输入大小为96x96 | Model | Width | NME | Inference Time(NCNN 1xCore) | Model Size |
PFLD | 0.25 1 |
0.06136 0.05818 |
4.1ms 29.2ms |
0.43M 4.8M |
PFLD_Ultralight | 0.25 1 |
0.06321 (↑3.0%) 0.05745 (↓1.25%) |
2.7ms (↓34.1%) 14.0ms (↓52.1%) |
0.39M (↓9.30%) 3.20M (↓33.3%) |
PFLD_Ultralight_Slim | 0.25 1 |
0.06402 (↑4.33%) 0.05683 (↓2.32%) |
2.5ms (↓40.0%) 12.0ms (↓59.7%) |
0.37M (↓14.0%) 2.90M (↓39.6%) |
Clone and install:
Before training, check or modify network configuration (e.g. batch_size, epoch and steps etc..) in config.py.
After modify the configuration, run train.py to start training.
Before test, modify the configuration in test.py, include the model_path, test_dataset, model_type, width_factor etc. Then run test.py to align the images in the test dataset, and save results in ./test_result directory.
1) Generate the onnx file: Modify the model_type, width_factor, model_path in pytorch2onnx.py, and then run pytorch2onnx.py to generate the xxx.onnx file. 2) Simplify the onnx file: First run "pip3 install onnx-simplifier" to install the tool, then run "python3 -m onnxsim xxx.onnx xxx_sim.onnx" to simpify the onnx file. 3) Transform onnx to ncnn format: Run "./onnx2ncnn xxx_sim.onnx xxx_sim.param xxx_sim.bin" to generate the ncnn files.