AnthonyHewins / snitch

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Ruby 2.6.0 Rails PostgreSQL SemanticUI NGINX Phusion passenger


  1. How it works from a user's point of view (user manual)
    1. Inventory
    2. Cyberadapt traffic
    3. Whitelists
      1. Cyberadapt whitelist
      2. FS-ISAC whitelist
    4. FS-ISAC alerts
    5. Uploading
      1. Carbon Black Log
    6. Blacklist
  2. Developer information (only the important stuff)
    1. Getting cyberadapt data

User manual


Navigate to /machines to see our inventory.

The data on this page includes plenty of information:

You can also perform these actions:


Navigate to /uri_entries to see our data from Cyberadapt's network logs.

This data is pulled from Cyberadapt's repository of our internet traffic. In the log it has IP, URI, and how many times visited, and we combine it with other information to make it more insightful.

You can perform these actions:


Cyberadapt whitelist

The Cyberadapt logs are typically massive and we don't want to log all the traffic to conserve space and aid us better in response by filtering away the extra garbage. The Cyberadapt whitelist gets rid of some of the data that we don't care about/is doubled in Carbon black response.

Create a whitelist entry, which is just a regular expression in Ruby, and it will not save the entry if the URI for the entry matches the regular expression. Example:

    # Any local IP address is not logged

Before you create or edit one, you should test it first with rubular or with IRB.

You can edit, delete, or create new whitelist rules. When you add a whitelist rule, it will run it against everything currently in the database and remove matching entries.

FS-ISAC whitelist

The FS-ISAC threat feed is heavily populated with emails that will not affect our enterprise. Instead of sifting through manually of what does/doesn't affect us, the whitelist allows us to immediately classify certain emails as not relevant to the enterprise.

When we get an email with the title "IBM blah blah blah" we already know it won't affect us, so we use a ruby regex that automatically classifies the email as "does not apply". Here's an abstraction of what happens basically:

    whitelist = /IBM/
    whitelist.match? email.title

And if the whitelist matches the email title, it marks the email as does not apply.

You can edit, create, and delete whitelist entries.

FS-ISAC alerts

The FS-ISAC threat feed is demuxed into a JSON object which is piped into our database so we can use the information for patching and other cybersec purposes. The emails are retrieved from through a forwarding rule.

You can see a subset of information by viewing them in the table, but click on their IDs to see all their information:

You can edit part of the alert but not everything, as a lot of it is directly from FS-ISAC, and should be readonly. You can mark an alert as resolved and mark it as "doesn't apply".

Additional actions include the option to download as a CSV and the more important "pull new alerts" button, which makes an API request to get new alert emails from


Uploading logs is actually one of the features that, if more development efforts can be pushed, should be completely phased out. At the time of development, I wasn't aware of the APIs that we had access to so we did everything manually and wasted a lot of man-hours and the solution was still worse.

Avoid these features if you can, they are suboptimal

Carbon black log

*Please read this first*

Quite simply, this log is how we determine a machine's IP address for /machines. You can get a Carbon Black log by going to Carbon Black defense -> Logging in -> Endpoints -> CSV export. This log is what gets dropped in, and we use that to create our inventory and our DHCP log.

Whitelist log




Developer information

Unfortunately, when creating Snitch we were not concerned with a proper development cycle so there's not much documentation on what has to happen or how I accomplished what I did. But this is my best effort to explain everything so at the very least you can reinvent the wheel (better than before) because there were a lot of paths taken that shouldn't have been, but I wasn't aware of them at the time.

General notes:

  1. Abstract view of the most complicated topics
    1. Getting cyberadapt data
    2. Getting mail
  2. Deployment
  3. Deploying updates
    1. Old build
    2. New build
  4. Upkeep

Abstract view

Getting cyberadapt data

Under the hood, the Cyberadapt model is actually called UriEntries. When you call CyberAdaptSftpClient#get_missing, you:

  1. Start SFTP with
  2. Look at all the network logs, find which ones we don't have already based on the PaperTrail table
  3. Download these logs, putting them in an array as a String if I remember correctly; this doesn't really matter though, the next step takes care of it anyways

Once you have this array, each element should be passed into CyberAdaptLog#new, which

  1. Demuxes the CSV
  2. Checks it against the whitelist
  3. Insert into UriEntries

Getting mail

To get FS-ISAC alerts, we have a rather complicated process but it works really well.

  1. FS-ISAC sends an email containing all the threat feed information. These emails are sent to whoever is a member on their service.
  2. We forward the email we get to a service mailbox, All the emails that are ever sent to us through FS-ISAC are therefore in the service mailbox.
  3. We do an API request using a gem called Viewpoint that authenticates us to the Exchange server
  4. We get every email using FsIsacMailClient
  5. We parse every email using FsIsacMailParser, turning it into a ruby hash
  6. We insert each one into the database

There are some important details to consider:


Hopefully you should never have to do this but it's possible if restructuring occurs. There's really nothing special here, it's your standard deployment with Rails.

  1. Make sure you have a server. At the time of writing this, we used Ubuntu is my go-to for this stuff, you can pick something else if you'd like though
  2. Make sure that the code is available via some source control repository, like GitHub
  3. Get SSH access to the system and harden it
    • Harden it by changing the port
    • Harden it by only allowing key-based authentication
    • Harden it by not allowing logging into root (if you're using VMware, you can always use the VMware console to get back in as root)
      • Don't be stupid though, make sure the deployment user has enough permissions beforehand
  4. Follow this guide UNTIL you reach step 6, which is actually deploying the app
  5. Follow this guide, which will automate your deployments in the future

Deploying updates

Old build

  1. Commit your code, push to remote
  2. cap production deploy
  3. ssh server-name
  4. bash /home/flexibleplan/var/www/snitch/

New build

  1. Commit your code, push to remote
  2. cap production deploy
  3. ssh server-name
  4. cd /wherever/you/put/the/app/from/capistrano # it's more than likely /var/www or /home/deploy/var/www/...
  5. If you updated the ruby version, rvm use ruby-X.X.X
  6. bundle install --deployment --without development test
  7. bundle exec rake assets:precompile db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
    • RAILS_ENV=production may be deprecated by the time you read this. You may want to change it to whatever's the new way
  8. passenger-config restart-app $(pwd)


Everything you need to know will be on Kanboard for this topic. I have recurring tasks that will automatically repopulate once completed.