AnthonyNahas / ionic-auth-firebaseui

Ionic UI component for firebase authentication powered by @firebase, @angular and @angular/fire
MIT License
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angular angularfire2 facebook firebase firebase-authentication github google ionic twitter ui

ionic-auth-firebaseui - Ionic UI component for firebase authentication powered by @firebase, @angular and @angular/fire


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Built by and for developers :heart:

Do you have any question or suggestion ? Please do not hesitate to contact us! Alternatively, provide a PR | open an appropriate issue here

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Table of Contents

Supported Providers:

  • anonymously
  • email and password (traditional)
  • google
  • facebook
  • twitter
  • github
  • phone number :soon:

Supported Processes and Actions:



View all the directives in action at


Library's components

  • <ionic-auth-firebaseui> used for the authentication process
  • <ionic-auth-firebaseui-providers> used to display only buttons for providers like google, facebook, twitter and github
  • <ionic-auth-firebaseui-user> used to display/edit the data of the current authenticated user


Install above dependencies via npm.

Now install ionic-auth-firebaseui via:

npm install --save ionic-auth-firebaseui


Note:If you are using SystemJS, you should adjust your configuration to point to the UMD bundle. In your systemjs config file, map needs to tell the System loader where to look for ionic-auth-firebaseui:

map: {
'ionic-auth-firebaseui': 'node_modules/ionic-auth-firebaseui/bundles/ionic-auth-firebaseui.umd.js',

Once installed you need to import the main module:

import { IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule } from 'ionic-auth-firebaseui';

The only remaining part is to list the imported module in your application module. The exact method will be slightly different for the root (top-level) module for which you should end up with the code similar to (notice IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule.forRoot()):

import { IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule } from 'ionic-auth-firebaseui';

  declarations: [AppComponent, ...],
  imports: [IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule.forRoot(), ...],  
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {

Other modules in your application can simply import IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule:

import { IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule } from 'ionic-auth-firebaseui';

  declarations: [OtherComponent, ...],
  imports: [IonicAuthFirebaseuiModule, ...], 
export class OtherModule {

(2) Configuration

import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';

// Import your library
import { IonicAuthFirebaseUIModule } from 'ionic-auth-firebaseui';
import {BrowserAnimationsModule} from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

  declarations: [
  imports: [

    // Specify the ngx-auth-firebaseui library as an import
                  apiKey: 'your-firebase-apiKey',
                  authDomain: 'your-firebase-authDomain',
                  databaseURL: 'your-firebase-databaseURL',
                  projectId: 'your-firebase-projectId',
                  storageBucket: 'your-firebase-storageBucket',
                  messagingSenderId: 'your-firebase-messagingSenderId'
                 () => 'your_app_name_factory',
                  enableFirestoreSync: true, // enable/disable autosync users with firestore
                  toastMessageOnAuthSuccess: false, // whether to open/show a snackbar message on auth success - default : true
                  toastMessageOnAuthError: false // whether to open/show a snackbar message on auth error - default : true
  providers: [],
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }


Once the library is imported, you can use its components, directives and pipes in your Angular application:


<!-- You can now use the library component in app.component.html  -->

<ionic-auth-firebaseui (onSuccess)="printUser($event)"


<!-- or simply in the app.component.ts -->
    selector: 'app',
    template: `
        <ionic-auth-firebaseui (onSuccess)="printUser($event)" (onError)="printError()"></ionic-auth-firebaseui>`
class AppComponent {

    printUser(event) {

    printError(event) {



option bind type default description
providers Input() string[] ['all'] or [AuthProvider.All] choose your favorite authentication provider: google facebook twitter github
appearance Input() MatFormFieldAppearance standard the appearance of the mat-form-field #'legacy' 'standard' 'fill' 'outline'
tabIndex Input() number null; 0 the selected tab - either sign in or register
registrationEnabled Input() boolean true whether the user is able to register a new account
resetPasswordEnabled Input() boolean true whether the user is able to reset his account password
guestEnabled Input() boolean true whether the user can sign in and continue as guest
tosUrl Input() string - the url of term of services
privacyPolicyUrl Input() string - the url of the private privacy
goBackURL Input() string - the url to redirect to after creating a new user and clicking the go back button - the button is only available when the input is provided
messageOnAuthSuccess Input() string see the code -> the message of the snackbar when the authentication process was successful
messageOnAuthError Input() string see the code -> the message of the snackbar when the authentication process has failed
onSuccess Output() any - this will be fired when an authentication process was success. The authenticated user is emitted!
onError Output() any - this event will be fired when an error occurred during the authentication process! An error message is emitted!

PS: if either tosUrl orprivacyPolicyUrl` are provided, the user will be asked to check and accepts tos and pp before registering a new account or sign in in anonymously


option bind type default description
editMode Input() boolean false whether the use is in edit mode
canLogout Input() boolean true whether to render the logout button
canDeleteAccount Input() boolean true whether to render the delete account button
appearance Input() MatFormFieldAppearance - the style of the mat-input-form
onAccountDeleted Output() void - this will be fired when the user deletes his account

Other Angular Libraries



Copyright (c) 2019 Anthony Nahas. Licensed under the MIT License (MIT)