The maps! They're written with Leaflet and React, and bundled together with Webpack.
We're using webpack to bundle up the maps, which means you need to install a giant pile of things for development. To fiddle with the development version do:
npm install
npm start
This starts the hot-reload webpack server. If you want to build the map for production (export the bundled webpack JS file) you can do:
npm run-script build
It should be fine on any npm
>= 3.
There's a utility repo
which we're using as a makeshift CDN. There's
a script which will automate updating the utility
repo if you add it as a pre-push
hook in .git
. These aren't copied
between git repos, so you need to do:
cp script/pre-push .git/hooks/pre-push
Then it should work! It expects the utility repo to be at ../utility
relative to the directory that the map is cloned in.