AntonioDePau / GHDS_ModdingTool

Modding tool for GH and BH on NDS
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This tool can be used to edit songs' information and files in order to create your own setlist for the following games:


Initial setup

Compile the executable yourself or download the latest release.

Simply drag and drop a Guitar Hero or Band Hero game onto the executable in order to generate the following folder structure:

    ├── <song 1>
    │   └── metadata.txt
    ├── <song 2>
    │   └── metadata.txt
    └── ...

Update song information

The metadata.txt files contain information such as the title of the song, the band's name, year it was released, etc. Simply open it with any text editor, update the information, and save the file.

Notes: Property Description Rules
title Title of the song Up to 20 characters (even less than 20 might cause display issues)
band Band name Up to 20 characters (even less than 20 might cause display issues)
year The date the song was released on 4 digit year (eg: 1998)
length Length of the song In seconds
preview_start Time the preview of the song starts In milliseconds
preview_length Length of the preview of the song In milliseconds

Update song assets

The actual song files are the ones with the following formats:

Here is the list of possible files to replace:

To replace a file, simply place the new file in the song's folder.

Note that instead of _song.hwas or _drums.hwas files, you can provide _song.wav or _drums.wav files, or even song.ogg, drums_1.ogg, etc.

Use a single track containing all instruments

In case your custom song only features one single audio file containing all the instruments' tracks, you can have the tool turn the other tracks silent by using dummy audio tracks.

To do this, edit song.ini (or metadata.txt, depending on your setup) and add the relevant following lines:

useDummySong = true
useDummyGuitar = true
useDummyRhythm = true
useDummyDrums = true

Warning: having all 4 lines above with the "true" value will make the whole song silent!

Apply the changes

Once the song information and files have edited/updated, simply drag and drop a Guitar Hero or Band Hero game onto the executable again. A new ROM will be created with all the changes you've made.



If you need support for this tool, report an issue or contact me on Discord (antoniodepau), you can find me in the GHDS Central server as well.

GHDS modding scene credits

Extra credits