Antti / rust-amqp

AMQP client in pure rust. Corresponds to rabbitmq spec.
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RFC: Various updates to exchange building. #32

Open alreece45 opened 8 years ago

alreece45 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to get some feedback (comments) on an idea for the API before spending too much time working on it.

The number of arguments in declare_exchange() is a bit excessive and not very Rustic. I suggest maybe using a Builder pattern instead, while having the API utilize an Into to allow for more flexibility (e.g: implementing From to allow creating a direct exchange, with just a string).

Consumers would be able to do:

// one doesn't even need to use the builder, just giving a name should work as expected

// one can use the "topic" enum directly
channel.declare_exchange(Exchange::new("some-name", Type::Topic));

// one can also use a custom string for the type, the From implementation will make "topic" into the correct enum variant. If not one of the pre-declared types, it will go under the Custom varient.
channel.declare_exchange(Exchange::new("some-name", "topic"));

// there are factory methods for each different type of exchange, e.g: direct

// its simple to keep to declarations to one line, if desired
// underscore in the method name matches the [rust naming conventions](

// its fairly easy to reason what's being done, what's being declared, and not mess with unused parameters

The API would probably similar to this, though Cow isn't required, but using the Into<> trait is probably beneficial.

pub enum Type<'a> {
    Custom(Cow<'a, str>)

impl<'a> Exchange<'a> {
    pub fn new<N, T>(name: N, _type: T) -> Self
        where N: Into<Cow<'a, str>>,
              T: Into<Type<'a>>;
    pub fn direct<S>(name: S) -> Self where S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>;
    pub fn fan_out<S>>(name: S) -> Self where S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>;
    pub fn headers<S>(name: S) -> Self where S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>;
    pub fn topic<S>(name: S) -> Self  where S: Into<Cow<'a, str>>;
    pub fn durable(mut self, durable: bool) -> Self;
    pub fn passive(mut self, passive: bool) -> Self;
    pub fn exclusive(mut self, exclusive: bool) -> Self;
    pub fn auto_delete(mut self, auto_delete: bool) -> Self;
    pub fn no_wait(mut self, no_wait: bool) -> Self;

This API does not attempt to address arguments with the table. When I looked, the usage of the Table wasn't clear and its usage should be more clarified, possibily similar to this one.

If the above API is acceptable, the protocol::Method implementation will need to access the structure members somehow. It seems like these types, and the protocol::Method implementation would be best in their own module, with private members-- but that lead to a more extensive update.

Antti commented 8 years ago

This is a very good idea. Currently, most of the methods on channel are a light wrappers to a corresponding Method struct constructor. This is because I didn't have time to think about the actual "rustic" API, but rather make something low-level, which just works and is familiar to someone who knows AMQP. See:

It was planned to add a more friendly API on top of the low level protocol implementation. About this api, what would be the default values for those fields (durable, passive, exclusive, auto_delete, no_wait), all false?

alreece45 commented 7 years ago

Yep. All false seems to be reasonable expectations.