Antti / rust-amqp

AMQP client in pure rust. Corresponds to rabbitmq spec.
MIT License
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AMQ protocol implementation in pure rust.

Note: The project is still in very early stages of development, it implements all the protocol parsing, but not all the protocol methods are wrapped/easy to use. Expect the API to be changed in the future.

What it currently can do:

Have a look at the examples in examples/ folder.

Connecting to the server & openning channel:

extern crate amqp;
use amqp::Session;

let mut session = Session::open_url("amqp://localhost//").unwrap();
let mut channel = session.open_channel(1).unwrap();

Note: This library supports TLS connections, via OpenSSL. However, this is an optional feature that is enabled by default but can be disabled at build-time (via cargo --no-default-features on the command-line, or with default-features = false in your Cargo.toml).

Declaring queue:

//The arguments come in following order:
//queue: &str, passive: bool, durable: bool, exclusive: bool, auto_delete: bool, nowait: bool, arguments: Table
let queue_declare = channel.queue_declare("my_queue_name", false, true, false, false, false, Table::new());

Publishing message:

channel.basic_publish("", "my_queue_name", true, false,
    protocol::basic::BasicProperties{ content_type: Some("text".to_string()), ..Default::default()}, (b"Hello from rust!").to_vec());

This will send message: "Hello from rust!" to the queue named "my_queue_name".

The messages have type of Vec<u8>, so if you want to send string, first you must convert it to Vec<u8>.

Known issues:

Missing things:

Development notes:

The methods encoding/decoding code is generated using codegen.rb & amqp-rabbitmq-0.9.1.json spec.

You need to have rustfmt installed to generate To generate a new spec, run:


To build the project and run the testsuite, use cargo:

cargo build
cargo test

Moreover, there are several source examples to show library usage, and an interactive one to quickly test the library. They can be run directly from cargo:

cargo run --example interactive


Current TLS implementation using openssl crate 0.7.x is not secure and it is advised not to use it

If for any reason you still want to use it, add a following feature to your Cargo.toml:

amqp = { version="0.1.3", features=["tls"] }

On MacOS X If you have problems with OpenSSL during complication, regarding missing headers or linkage, try:

brew install openssl
export OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR=`brew --prefix openssl`/include
export OPENSSL_LIB_DIR=`brew --prefix openssl`/lib

cargo clean
cargo test


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.