Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

Repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback
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... #1503

Closed XxsuperdeadlysniperxX closed 3 years ago

XxsuperdeadlysniperxX commented 3 years ago


D-player1 commented 3 years ago

Ah yes, i can see that setting up some scatters is super hard

the-kido commented 3 years ago

You are basically living in your own world if you think we cant have an impact on your choices. For one i think the waves are fine for the difficulty it is and tbh anuke will not even glimpse at this PR if you dont do

[x] <-- the goddamn boxes

sudobeans commented 3 years ago

Fast waves can be pretty scary, but keep in mind that fungal pass is a high-threat sector (according to this post anyway, I didn't get to it yet), so it's fitting. Sorry the sector's hard - good luck beating it!

Quick-korkc commented 3 years ago

Too fast? are you ever attack eradication sectors?

the-kido commented 3 years ago

First off all i am a total idiot. second off all you can never win an argument against an idiot i suggest anyone else who will comment to just not to.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

OP can't even figure out how to launch with a loadout and build a decent defense with his chosen starting resources.


It's a video game. Video games have difficulty curves. Fungal Pass isn't even thst big of a step in difficulty once you understand attack sectors.

If you can't git gud, the answer isn't "nerf it for me because I'm bad".

Thread over.

Wetelemon commented 3 years ago

As an old man said some time ago, you will never win an argument against an idiot.

the-kido commented 3 years ago

121.1 made fungal pass slightly easier. Happy?

sudobeans commented 3 years ago

OP can't even figure out how to launch with a loadout and build a decent defense with his chosen starting resources.


If you can't git gud, the answer isn't "nerf it for me because I'm bad".

Thread over.

This is the area for Mindustry feedback. If someone finds the game to be unbalanced, then they should post about it here. It doesn't matter if they are worse than you, because as a person who plays the game, their opinion is just as valid as yours. You wrote a response where you call OP "sad" and "bad," simply because they had trouble in a video game. Does that make you feel better about yourself?

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

So the kid... Renames his issue report. Because he gets shot down because he can't figure out how to build a basic defense.

And then completely changes the topic of it to lAuNcH pAdS aRe ToO sLoW.

Kid, you're doing nothing but wasting GitHub's server space with this issue. You will literally never convince anyone that your inability to commit basic Git Gud is a reason to change the game so that you don't have to get better at it.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

Oh, and let's go ahead and mention #1526 so that the two issues are inextricably linked.

itcannotbe commented 3 years ago

Launch pad is too slow: Use more launchpads.

sudobeans commented 3 years ago

🤦‍♀️boi the tag says balancing/feedback and also im not a noob

I never called you a noob, and I'm sorry if my writing made it seem that way. Also, I said in my comment that this is in the feedback section. I wanted to back you up, because people were being mean to you, but now I'm not sure what's going on. Why did you completely change the subject of the thread? If you didn't want anyone to see what you said, you could have kept the thread closed.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

OP can't even figure out how to launch with a loadout and build a decent defense with his chosen starting resources. Sad. If you can't git gud, the answer isn't "nerf it for me because I'm bad". Thread over.

This is the area for Mindustry feedback. If someone finds the game to be unbalanced, then they should post about it here. It doesn't matter if they are worse than you, because as a person who plays the game, their opinion is just as valid as yours. You wrote a response where you call OP "sad" and "bad," simply because they had trouble in a video game. Does that make you feel better about yourself?

oh sup, nice sockpuppet account

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

You may enjoy this YouTube video which clears pre-nerf Fungal Pass in approximately 33 minutes without outside help of any kind.

flarefluffsune commented 3 years ago

I really don't think this is a balancing issue. I think you just need to optimise how you play the game. Generally I can spend a few hours trying to get the most out of every sector I take over to maximize resource income and use a single specific sector which has my most output to launch to a new sector with maximum resources and upgraded core.

But even then any sector could be controlled from just a basic core and basic resources.

Edit: So gave it a try myself with level 2 core and max resources and I beat Fungal Pass on wave 9 so I'm not sure what's so difficult about it.

flarefluffsune commented 3 years ago

I do not like the toxicity because of a balance/feedback

It's really not toxicity. It really is just you whining because the game isn't pandering to how you want it to play for you. Thats clear by the multiple times you edited your opening post changing it from 'The waves are too fast' to 'The launch pad is too slow'. Here is a hint: If you cannot keep up with the waves you aren't expanding and exploiting fast enough!

When I hit fungal pass I had plastanium unlocked and before the first wave hit I was producing Nova's, replaced all the drills with laser drills, put down 26 hail (supplied with graphite from my core) and a couple walls to cover the 12 scatters I had built and had already begun to produce my OWN poly's. By wave 3 I had hails shooting down the turrets and the the CORE in the middle and by wave 9 I was IN the main enemy base shooting everything up with a full group of Nova's.

So yes, this clearly is you and yourself not utilising the games features and buildings to good effect to match the pace of the game itself. So yes you are a noob. The idea of losing is to push you to rethink your strategy and come back either with more tech, resources or whatever and rethink how you will approach the problem, attacking an enemy base is MUCH different than defending against waves because no only do you need to defend against attacking units, you also need to attack yourself and that's going to push your resource management and expandability skills further than just building guns behind a wall.

But, instead of upskilling yourself by trying a different strategy or coming back later to the mission you come here to winge like a child instead. Speaking of which, Noob is now an actual Oxford Dictionary definition. Enjoy being called it often.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

Nice 30 subscribers gray maria mister different account before the nerf which was like the legit first few waves i had like nothing near core and the wave timer wsa too fast going in to wave 3 so because i legitimately had nothing except copper and lead how is one suppose to fight off lik 10 or so polys that love hugging the player and because you are a smaller Youtuber you seriously underestimate the actual difficulty of those specific waves cuz you used mods to assist or had so DAMN fine luck with the permanent world seed

The entirety of this post just proves exactly how little you actually know about the game.

30 subscribers

Fuck if I know where they came from. I use YouTube as a video host, not a content creation platform.

different account before the nerf

Same account. Not that there are "accounts".

had nothing near core

You'd be able to rebuild it quickly if you brought a proper loadout. Bring lots of things!

wave timer was too fast

Well, good news, kiddo. Your incessant whining about being incompetent has saddled the rest of us with a permanent Assist Mode feature that we can't opt-out from. Every time you lose in a sector, that sector's wave delay is increased by 10 seconds.

legitimately had nothing but copper and lead

And silicon and graphite. You spawn right next to coal and sand, and on first launch it's already rigged up with pneumatic drills and even a power source. Making Metaglass is also immediately accessible, as shown in the video. The stuff's right there!

how is one supposed to fight off like 10 polys

Scatters. Metaglass Scatters. The video uses only three for the entirety of defense against the Polys.

hugging the player

No argument here. Polys have the weirdest combat AI and it's actually quite effectively annoying in its own right.

smaller YouTuber

Not a content creator of any kind. Irrelevant, anyway.

underestimate the difficulty of those specific waves

Nnnoooo..? It took me several hours to develop this specific strategy for starting from nothing. You know what happened? I learned what was coming and when. And I used my knowledge to prepare for it on the next runs.

used mods to assist

It's plain and obvious that the game is unmodded.

damn fine luck

permanent world seed

Oh, didn't you know? Every player gets the exact same planet. No luck involved here. Every player. Same planet. Same exact planet.

Now, I'd suggest learning something from this exchange. May I suggest that the lesson be that you are complaining because you refuse to Git Gud? Because you refuse to put out the effort to learn what you are doing wrong and how to improve upon your strategy? Because you simply want your Participation Trophy handed to you on a silver platter, with absolutely no effort on your part?

Because you got what you wanted. You singlehandedly drove Anuke to nerf Fungal Pass so damn far into the ground that it now only has ground-based units. You drove Anuke to subject us to permanent handicaps every time we happen to try a strategy that doesn't work.

Good job. Your only skill finally got you somewhere in life. May it carry you somewhere very, very far away from any technology.

aFuschia commented 3 years ago

i love this thread

SMOLKEYS commented 3 years ago

i love this thread


itcannotbe commented 3 years ago

i love this thread

Agreed, the only thing the kid has proven is, that he views constructive feedback as toxicity and that's toxic.

Honestly if the developer actually heeded to this bullshit for the many year this existed, we've have a freaking casual game by now. Glad he didn't.

Furthermore, I haven't seen OP actually prove that it's hard (the orginal title), all I see is pointless whining and refusal to actually gitgud.

itcannotbe commented 3 years ago

Signs of toxicity:

Using the bullying card. When getting cornered for his nonsense opinions.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

1 there is "accounts" on youtube

What does YouTube have to do with Mindustry? You're trying to create strawmen.

2 launchpads are slow even when full and they look like they launch will im in the sector but no resources appear for an hour

At no point did I ever mention the Launch Pad. Did you forget that you can choose to launch to a new sector with resources already in your Core?

3 i am somewhat of an idiot i do admit i forgot the resources are not procedurally generated but being an ass about it is wrong

You were an ass from the very start of this thread, accusing everyone of either "using mods" or "not playing the game". You have literally no place to tell anyone off.

3 if you post videos on youtube regardless of you think you are/know you are you are marked as a content creater because you make content

You wrote the number three twice. And no, that doesn't make me a "content creator". And that's not something that someone is "marked" as. What, do actual YouTubers scare you? Is Creslex going to eat you in your sleep? Jesus Christ, kid.

4 i know i have a little less knowledge of the new fungal pass but i was comparing it as best i could to the v4 version

Wouldn't you know it, v4 content doesn't matter in the slightest. Hell, there was an entire version between v4 and v6 that probably changed just as many things as v6 did.

so still doesn't justify a grown ass man bulling a 19 year old

I have to assume at this point that you have never been on the receiving end of something called "parenting". ..Nor actual bullying. Being told you're wrong and shown exactly how is not "bullying".

5 i was grown up around using technology

Speaking of parenting and unfortunately for us, your parents seem to have used that technology as a babysitting aid rather than as a learning aid.

so don't mark yourself a genius

First Launch Pads, now "genius"? How many words are you going to put in my mouth?

6 bruh at this point your now a cyberbully

Me and everyone else in this thread except you, huh? An entire community telling you you are literally wrong is not "bullying".

7 only the required sectors are manually built

Are you jumping back and forth deliberately, or are you incapable of following a coherent train of thought from one end to the other? You already responded to being told about worldgen.

8 there are no "handicaps"

The next release build will have them. Go read the commit log.

9 i have less knowledge of v6

Literally nobody is contesting this point.

so shut it


10 i didn't technically drive him to do it

I have seen no one else complain about Fungal Pass... and especially not to the extent that you have.

you know that some other guy would have done it

Nnnnoooo..? Here, let me check the contributors to the Fungal Pass map. ..Oh. One contributor. And it's Anuke. In fact, that also completely debunks your initial post (before you edited it, trying to hide from your own stupidity) claiming that "some troll must have set the wave timer lower".

still irrelevant to being an ass on github

Complaining about being told off for your whiny attitude is not a valid rebuttal.

11 🤦‍♀️ no ones gonna take github drama outside github

The entire Mindustry Discord is laughing their asses off at this thread every time a new post shows up in it.

and if they do why do you want soneone to kill themselves because they wanted like wave 2-3 slightly easier

Show me on the doll where I told you to "kill yourself". You can't, can you? That's because I never said that. Are you done putting words in my mouth yet?

12 why is a grown ass man even trying to tell some rando on the internet to not play

Because frankly I think Neopets is more your speed. Don't forget to feed them.

13 i told you my age dumbass

And? I've met fifteen year olds more respectable than you.

and you choose to tell people to go die in a holde

hole* Also, again, where did I say this? Show the class.

instead of looking your own life and questioning why you this stupid shit and actively ruining someone's life over a one fucking game

It's one thread. On one website. It's not your entire life. So cut the crap, this isn't theatre class. No drama, no acting.

14 you have no actual idea of my actual knowledge

You can't possibly be any dumber than you're making yourself out to be in this thread. Don't even think to say that you actually are.

because i knew more about v4 than i do v6

That has fuck-all to do with.. what, exactly?

i just know that if you are prevented from building a singel building

Huh. You know, I'd swear that there is an entire YouTube video showing that it's perfectly possible to build several conveyor belts, a couple of new buildings, and even a few turrets before the first wave comes.

how the fuck do you expect and entire production setup to survive

By... defending it?

also the polys automatically go for guns so whats your come back

Hmm. Polys automatically go for guns, you say? Well, then. What's stopping them from getting shot down? Did you forget to put ammunition in them?

15 your little i"m better than you" bullshit is getting you no where fast (gray mario quote)

It's getting you to make yourself look like even more of a child, which is progress in my book.

16 i can also nitpick your skill you damn prick

Can you? Can you really. Can you really do that if you can't even complete Fungal Pass with a massive loadout, which still wouldn't match up in skill to my completion without a single outside resource?

I don't think you can.

17 i could just keep going and going...

In circles, maybe.

You know whats better if i did give a shit about the comments which if im attacked imma going to attack back and who give a damn about the campaign its single player and you can do whatever you want on singleplayer

The rest of us can, maybe, with enough persistence and experience. But you've made it clear to everyone that you can't even beat Fungal Pass. So you can't do whatever you want on singleplayer.

itcannotbe commented 3 years ago

Upvote this comment if you're a discord member that is also laughing at where this thread already went.

D-player1 commented 3 years ago

Tbh all this shit wouldn't exist if you learn how to make scatters and novas

aFuschia commented 3 years ago

Tbh all this shit wouldn't exist if you learn how to make scatters and novas


ghost commented 3 years ago


flarefluffsune commented 3 years ago

you are a person who is legit using mods to speed stuff up

Dude you can literally pull resources from your core. It's a giant Vault. If you actually went in with Titanium, Lead and Silicon you can start building Nova's on wave one. In fact, you could likely start to build Tier 3 units on wave one with Titanium, Lead, Silicon, Graphite and Metaglass launched with your core at the start of a mission.

I'm really concerned, have you actually played the game?

aFuschia commented 3 years ago

Just ignore this suggestion for own sake and sanity

oh yes totally not a balancing/feedback

flarefluffsune commented 3 years ago

Just ignore this suggestion for own sake and sanity

So basically you're saying all this was personal issues because 'why isn't the game playing how I want it to!'


GreyMario commented 3 years ago

Just ignore this suggestion for own sake and sanity

Mm.. he's reduced to talking to himself.

Himself, the only person left who will listen to him.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

-clears throat-

You must be age 13 or older. While we are thrilled to see brilliant young coders get excited by learning to program, we must comply with United States law. GitHub does not target our Service to children under 13, and we do not permit any Users under 13 on our Service. If we learn of any User under the age of 13, we will terminate that User’s Account immediately. If you are a resident of a country outside the United States, your country’s minimum age may be older; in such a case, you are responsible for complying with your country’s laws.

Bohaska commented 3 years ago

@XxsuperdeadlysniperxX Mindustry, sadly for some people, happily for some other people, isn't a game for casual players. It is supposed to be challenging. It's just how Mindustry was designed. Play some other game or make your own mod if you don't like this.

GreyMario commented 3 years ago

he deleted every post he made

like that's going to change anything

Sky4ce09 commented 3 years ago

he deleted every post he made

like that's going to change anything

rip legendary threads

notrealn commented 3 years ago

i cry

genNAowl commented 3 years ago

Confused Confusing Confusion

half of the conversation is gone...

and I see the conversation has continued at