Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

Repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback
125 stars 57 forks source link


This is the repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback.

For bug reports, use the Mindustry issue tracker.

How do I know if you've read my suggestion?

If it's been 24 hours, I've most likely read it. I check this repository daily. If I like it, I'll implement it.
However, If your request is in a language I don't understand and clearly doesn't follow the template, I am unlikely to bother reading it.

I will no longer be commenting or closing issues here.

Manually closing invalid or completed requests is tiring. I'm not going to explain why I don't like your suggestion anymore - I just won't do anything. If I think it's good, you'll see it in the game soon enough, and it's your responsibility to close the issue if you so choose.

In very rare cases, I may ask for clarifications or start a general discussion on an issue, but that's unlikely to happen to most things posted here.

A few things you shouldn't suggest

These have been proposed many times already, and I won't be adding them.