Describe the content or mechanics you are proposing.
setprop @ammoCapacity
Increase/decrease unit/turret ammo capacity
setprop @itemCapacity
Increase/decrease unit/block item capacity
setprop @liquidCapacity
Increase/decrease block/turret liquid capacity
setprop @powerCapacity
Increase/decrease block/turret power capacity
setprop @maxHealth
Increase/decrease unit/block/turret max health
setprop @range
Increase/decrease unit/block/turret range
setprop @ammoType
Allows different types of ammunition to certain units/turret that don't have it.
setprop @ammoType crawler @metaglass
instead of blowing up normally it blows up into frags
setprop @ammoType atrax @cryo
instead of shooting slag it shoots cryo which inflicts freezing instead of melting
setprop @ammoType dagger @silicon
insert silicon ammo properties
Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.
Allows turrets, certain blocks & units to be more editable/customisable with setprop.
Before making this issue, check the boxes below to confirm that you have acknowledged them.
[X] I have checked the Trello to make sure my suggestion isn't planned or implemented in a development version.
[X] I am familiar with all the content already in the game or have glanced at the wiki to make sure my suggestion doesn't exist in the game yet.
[X] I have read to make sure my idea is not listed under the "A few things you shouldn't suggest" category.
Describe the content or mechanics you are proposing.
setprop @ammoCapacity
setprop @itemCapacity
setprop @liquidCapacity
setprop @powerCapacity
setprop @maxHealth
setprop @range
setprop @ammoType
setprop @ammoType atrax @cryo
setprop @ammoType dagger @silicon
Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.
Allows turrets, certain blocks & units to be more editable/customisable with setprop.
Before making this issue, check the boxes below to confirm that you have acknowledged them.