Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

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Sublimate on Ozone rework #5080

Open KiviGems opened 2 weeks ago

KiviGems commented 2 weeks ago

Describe what you would like changed, and why.

“Sublimation” on ozone, unfortunately, is useless in all situations except survival mode. In PvP or Attack, the Sublimate on ozone is useless because literally any unit is superior to it in attack radius. I think this needs to change. But obviously if you keep him the same firepower stats with increased range, he can be very OP. Therefore, I propose to introduce it with loss of damage from a distance

Describe the changes you want to propose. Include possible alternatives.

“Sublimation” on ozone: range: 16.25 -> 20 block (+23%) Damage depending on distance (600 : 220)in sec