Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

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Buffing some novas type units #5082

Open GreatSage777 opened 1 week ago

GreatSage777 commented 1 week ago

Describe what you would like changed, and why.

I would like to buff some of the novas type units stats.

Describe the changes you want to propose. Include possible alternatives.

Corvus: Movement speed: 2.25 -> 3.0 Damage: 560 -> 880 Attack speed: 0.17 -> 0.08 Vela: Mining speed: 0% -> 600% Can mine: copper, lead, coal, titan, sand, scrap. Quasar: Health: 640 -> 720 Damage: 45 -> 50 Pulsar: Attack speed: 2.5 -> 3.0 Damage: 14 -> 18 Health: 320 -> 380 Movement speed 5.2 -> 4.9 Attack radius: 7 -> 9 Nova: Mining speed: 0% -> 40% Can mine only copper and lead

jehosula commented 1 week ago

the most reasonable set is the nova one, and that says a lot about how bad the other ones are, the whole line would be insanely overpowered with this, except the nova, which will just be very good cause it was always good

Slotterleet commented 1 week ago

Agreed on that, Nova branch is somehow extremely versatile, especially with logic. Also buffing health and damage directly, especially this significantly, will make usability of actual assault branches (Dagger & Crawler types) questionable.

Slotterleet commented 1 week ago

Don't even get me started on Corvus. Its abnormally high range already makes up for it. NO NEED to make it even more overpowered.