Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

Repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback
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Sand mining on Erekir #5083

Open fghjk455rg opened 1 week ago

fghjk455rg commented 1 week ago

Describe what you would like changed, and why.

By the end of the game, cliff crusher is extremely inefficient and occupies a huge area. Maybe add the ability to accelerate the extraction rate by 3 times by adding cyanide? (of course, so that the player does not find out about cyanide early, make the line "accelerator" hidden)

Describe the changes you want to propose. Include possible alternatives.

Cliff crusher can be accelerated three times (energy consumption is also tripled) using 1/s cyanide.

OnyxFinger commented 1 week ago

I'd prefer nitro..

Without getting into the specifics though, sand mining on erekir is extremely tedious indeed. Walls are rarely uniform and a lot of crushers are needed (even with 200% walls) for any kinda of design with more than one phase factory in it.

jehosula commented 1 week ago

there is also the silicon arc furnace route of just making the block good enough for the whole game by having insane base stats, silicon arc furnace is like 4 times as strong as it needs to be early on, it's also very efficient at 4 sand + 1 graphite = 4 silicon