Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

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New environnement/planet and ideas linked #5125

Closed runiArnsbjornson closed 4 weeks ago

runiArnsbjornson commented 1 month ago

Describe the content or mechanics you are proposing.

I somehow always come back to this game, and would very much love to see MORE of it.

I dreamt of a new planet, mostly water based, where you would have to start from existing tech, and develop new ways to get ressources and manage space. While some ressources would require shallow waters some can only be found in the deepest part, some ressource could be only available on land, on the small volcanic islands for exemple.

Most of the planet and zones would be water and deep water, so most current buildings blocks and units would be useless.

To circonvent that you would have to construct, heavy ships or "boats", which come in different tiers, those boats would have several fold uses, and be blocks more than unit but could move around (still not sure if you automate the move or not, and how) :

i spoke about plateforms which would be like depot hub, like container, and vault, except those plateform could be captured and their ressource with them (this could be some kind of flag defense gameplay, or majority, domination like micro game)

On this planet most of AA defense would be very powerful, meaning most of the aerial units would be sneaky stealers, or distrubers, with some stealth mecanics. Which would make multiplayer map on this ENV all the more fun, allowing creatives ways to win.

Lastly campaign wise, I was thinking about having neo-plasm as an enemy for this planet, in place of an opposing faction. Neo-plasm and water means, every map, every zone should be very time sensitive, you could see some neo-plasm units but also the big neo-plasm puddle creeping slowly on the map, because deep water means it takes time to transform entirely. I somehow imagined neo-plasm "core" to be organic looking, even beating like a gigantic creepy-ass heart, and with every pulsation the creeping progress, so if you take too much times some part of the map would innaccessible until fought hard to push back or clear or cleanse the neoplasm.

I thought of laser based short range neo-plasm burning turret, which would be useless against neo-plasm (flying ?) units but allow to slow down the progress of the creeping death, also, developping cure like missile sent by scatters, created with a special plankton or bio ressource (fish ? bio mass ?). You also thought it could be cool to have ressources move around (fish do move around) and deplete, then reappear later on somewhere else or just slowly growing back. Even coral could be used ? (and why not include some ressource sensitive about not wasting, like now it's no malus to OVER mine, here, it could be letal to not have ressource because you burnt it)

I know there are a lot of things that needs works. But I really tried to learn code just to mod and improve mindustry but i was an utter failure on my part :'(

Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.

I think this would add a whole new way of playing, probably new ressources (plancton & bio mass !, new ores, some new fluid and/or gas), and make a new planet very different gameplay wise than Erekir and Serpulo, with a focus made on moving fast, and confronting a menace which is overwhelming, while allowing may be to discover new things about the lore, (where does those faction emerged ? what exactly is the neo-plasm ? were the factions corrupted by it ? and so on...)

the very different gameplay would need some fun and new way of thinking/building, organizing. With very few conveyor and conduit, because space would be the most valued ressource, with the idea of factories built in on ships and/or factories with specific input/output direction/ressource.

Sorry for my long post, hope some would love the ideas, improve it, or at the very least use it to create awesome mods.

If Anuke find those ideas interesting, just contact me, i would love to speak more about everything i could not put well into words (even moreso because english is not my native langage)

Lastly i love this game <3

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camelStyleUser commented 1 month ago

man wants neoplasm tantros 😨

camelStyleUser commented 1 month ago

(it aint happening though)

Novanox4 commented 1 month ago

The developer said that another planet won't be happening since adding erekir took so much time and resources (especially a water planet since they said they won't be reviving tantros)

github-actions[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

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