Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

Repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback
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screen shake world logic instruction #5213

Open alphy228 opened 1 week ago

alphy228 commented 1 week ago

Describe the content or mechanics you are proposing.

screenshake instruction parameters: Power - screenshake power local(true/false) - makes screen shake less powerful the farther away you are from source sourceX - screenshake source x sourceY - screenshake source y Range - range at which local screenshake can be seen

Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.

will heavily improve world logic effects for volcanic eruption,large explosions,etc

Before making this issue, check the boxes below to confirm that you have acknowledged them.

Absolutan115 commented 1 week ago

Me with screenshake disabled 😎

Same asw