Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

Repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback
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Player built units moving between sectors. #5230

Open Phase772 opened 1 week ago

Phase772 commented 1 week ago

Describe the content or mechanics you are proposing.

I think that currently, building units is mildly disappointing and it feels like you don't want the player to do it. As a player you are always attacked by these huge units and their waves, I remember the first time I saw an eclipse on the board, it was rather intimidating. However, when a player builds the same units, they're more or less a mobile turret or a moving conveyor belt for the programming folk, forever stuck in their original sector. There are maps where you will get to attack a base with them, but those maps also require you to build these units on site.

This is why I think that there should be a way to move units between sectors. Maybe even just convoys between already captured sectors. Maybe if two or more sectors have water connections naval units may move between them. Perhaps if there is no ground connection between two or more sectors, you could build a dedicated dropship to carry them? Consider travel time between sectors too. Arial units may be liberated from the confines of the ground, that doesn't necessarily mean they can fly freely in enemy territory.

Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.

This would add new uses for units. Travelling between sectors could unlock resource transportation without the use of a launch pad army. On normal wave sectors, they could function as an additional security detail, you'll be waiting for the waves regardless. Some players may be considering attacking an enemy base but doesn't want to spend a lot of time setting up unit factories while defending and maintaining industry. They may rather set up camp and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Sector2Sector travel for units would still take time, not to mention already existing connections between sectors. Air units may generally travel faster but risk interception while naval units require water to move. Ground units would likely suffer the slowest travelling time, but would also be the quietest approach should that be important.

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Phase772 commented 1 week ago

I do know this would change the game just a tad bit and that it has severe balancing implications, though since I'm not a dev I can't give great balancing advice to go along with it.

Phase772 commented 1 week ago

I did not mean to press that, sorry lol.