Anuken / Mindustry-Suggestions

Repository for Mindustry suggestions and feedback
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Scrollable Planet List Ui #5244

Open Angel0doom opened 1 day ago

Angel0doom commented 1 day ago

Describe the content or mechanics you are proposing.

Where the list of planet's and solar systems are currently are not able to be scrolled through, and I would like for them to ba able to

Describe how you think this content will improve the game. If you're proposing new content, mention how it may add more gameplay options or how it will fill a new niche.

, this poses a BIG problem for my mod, that will eventually have over 30 solar systems and 150 planet's form those are 50+ playable planets. most of which their own unique content and I don't want to have to cut my content short OR have content not accessible to the community. (expecially for when other want to make mods like this one) Thank you!

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Angel0doom commented 13 hours ago

AND, if possible while your at it can you increase the rendering distance for all celestial bodies, i would like to be able to make a planet very far away from the sun and be able to see it. Perfectly understandable if you do not do this im just putting this here just in case, again thanks