Anuken / animdustry

the anime gacha rhythm game
220 stars 15 forks source link


the anime gacha bullet hell rhythm game; created as a mindustry april 1st event

downloads for windows/linux/android are available on the releases page.

please read the last release notes for information about the future of this game.


initial mac/linux/android setup

  1. install the latest stable version of Nim. ~/.nimble/bin must be on your PATH.
  2. make sure this repository was cloned with --recursive, as it uses git submodules!
  3. if on linux, sudo apt install -y xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev or equivalent packages
  4. nimble install -y -d (the flags are important!)

running on windows

running on desktop

running/compiling on android

  1. make sure you have the Android SDK and NDK installed


music used:

all other art/sounds/assets/programming by me