AoiKagase / Amxx-ReviveKit

Cheap_Suit Revive Kit(Disappearing Corpses)
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Amxx-ReviveKit Remake

Cheap_Suit Revive Kit(Disappearing Corpses)


Cvar Default Value Description
rkit_health 75 Health value after revival
rkit_cost 1200 Revive Kit price
rkit_screen_fade 1 Fades the vision of the player being immediately after revived.
rkit_screen_fade_time 2 Fade in time.
rkit_delay_revive 3 How long it takes to revive. (seconds)
rkit_delay_die 30 Revivable time. If this time is exceeded, the body will disappear. (seconds) 0 is No time limit.
rkit_distance 70.0 Revivable distance. (float value)
rkit_bot_has_kit 1 Bot has the kit. 0 = no or 1 = yes.
rkit_bot_can_revive 1 Can revive the bot. 0 = no or 1 = yes.
rkit_buy_mode 1 Need to buy a kit. 0 = already have one. 1 = yes.
rkit_buy_zone 1 If rkit_buy_mode is 1, it can only be bought in the buy zone. 0 = no or 1 = yes.
rkit_deathmatch 0 deathmatch mode. 0 = off or 1 = on
rkit_check_obstacle 1 Obstacle detection function. If there is an obstacle between you and the corpse, it cannot be resuscitated. 0 = off or 1 = on
rkit_reward 150 Amount of compensation for reviving. default $150. 0 is invalid.
rkit_revive_radius 10.0 Range of revive points
rkit_revive_attempt 10 Number of times the revive point is calculated
rkit_revive_move_lock 1 Locked movement during resuscitation
rkit_respawn_weaponstrip 0 Discard all weapons upon resurrection (surrounding weapons are picked up, so only the main arm is left).
rkit_corpse_style 0 Sets the method of representation of the corpse. (0 = default corpse. 1 = Display a sprite of a skull instead of a corpse)
rkit_sprite_rotation_speed 0 Set only when the skull sprite is displayed. 0 = Always faces the player's direction. 1 or more = Sprite rotates. (The speed changes depending on the value.)


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