Apereo-Learning-Analytics-Initiative / OpenDashboard-legacy

(Deprecated) A web application that provides a framework for displaying data visualizations
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A web application that provides a framework for displaying visualizations and data views called "cards". Cards represent a single discrete visualization or data view but share an API and data model.


OpenDashboard is no longer supported OpenDashboard-API is currently supported until now, the Dashboard served up both the UX and the Api's required to display the data.

In keeping with a true Service Oriented Architecture, the two applications are now separate and exist in two repositories.



This will start the application and enable the demo data providers. By default the application uses port 8081 so you can access the login screen at http://localhost:8081. You will still need to configure the application to use the demo data providers. This video shows how to configure the demo data providers. If you didn't catch it during the video the default username and password is admin / admin .

These instructions also assume that you are running MongoDB on the same machine as the dashboard application (i.e., MongoDB is accessible at localhost:27017). If you need to configure the application to connect to a different MongoDB address see the Spring-Boot & MongoDB configuration properties.

Using a more production-like setup

Directory Structure

Create the following directory structure.


ECL (a slightly less permissive Apache2) http://opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0


Send questions or comments to the mailing list: opendashboard-user@apereo.org