ApiRTC / ApiRTC-cordova-demo

Example of how to use ApiRTC into mobile application
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ApiRTC Cordova P2P call sample

This sample presents how to use apiRTC.js SDK with Cordova iOS/Andorid app.


First install Cordova:

npm install -g cordova

Follow this link to get started with Cordova

npm i


Install Xcode

Install iOS platform:

cordova platform add ios

Then run:

cordova prepare ios

Then run *.xcworkspace Xcode project from platforms/ios folder.

Setup certificates inside Xcode -> Signing & Capabilities project section.

Then build from Xcode or use Cordova deployment tools.

Read more about iOS deploying

You can test the app with our web P2P call sample


Install Android Studio

Add Android platform:

cordova platform add android

Then run:

cordova prepare android

Then compile and deploy app to the connected device:

cordova run android --device

OR use Android Studio to build and run the app.

You can test the app with our web P2P call sample


ApiRTC key

For this demo we use myDemoApiKey api key. Please register on our website to get your private api key.