ApiRTC / apirtc-android-sdk-examples

ApiRTC application sample on Android
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ApiRTC Android application sample

This application is a sample to show how to integrate apiRTC features in a native Android application. Our application now includes several tutorials : goal is to provide you with code sample depending of the feature you need to integrate :

Requirements :

Use Android Studio to open the project.

To start :

To test :

You can open one of our Web tutorial page on your computer browser and join the same room on your Android application.

For Tuto 1 : video conferencing example, you can use following tutorial : https://dev.apirtc.com/tutorials/conferencing/conf
For Tuto 2 : group chat example, you can use following tutorial : https://dev.apirtc.com/tutorials/conferencing/chat
For Tuto 3 : Peer to peer chat example, you can use following tutorial : https://dev.apirtc.com/tutorials/peertopeer/chat
For Tuto 4 : Peer to peer sendData example, you can use following tutorial : https://dev.apirtc.com/tutorials/peertopeer/chat
For Tuto 5 : It is a "standalone" tutorial
For Tuto 6 : user Data sharing, you can use following tutorial : https://dev.apirtc.com/tutorials/peertopeer/chat
For Tuto 7 : Peer to peer send File, you can use following tutorial : https://dev.apirtc.com/tutorials/peertopeer/sendFile

Compatibility :

API24/Android 7.0 -> API30/Android 10.0+

SDK - API Reference :

API reference documentation is published on apiRTC WebSite

This demo integrates our SDK

Limitations :

This sample demonstrates the possibility to established a video conference on Android using apiRTC SDK.
This demo use our demonstration apiKey : you will have to create an account on apiRTC dashboard and use your apiKey for project integration.
Please note that logs are not constrained on this version.

Bug/Issues :

Contact us if you detect any issues, feedback are more than welcome !