= Apicurio Registry Operator
Apicurio Registry Operator provides a quick and easy way to deploy and manage https://github.com/Apicurio/apicurio-registry[Apicurio Registry] on Kubernetes or OpenShift.
== Deployment Requirements
The Apicurio Registry Operator supports the following platform versions:
.Apicurio Registry Operator platforms [%header,cols=2*] |=== | Platform | Required version | Kubernetes | 1.19+ | OpenShift | 4.6+ |===
== Build Requirements
export GO111MODULE='on'
)== Quickstart
This section explains how to quickly install development version of the Apicurio Registry Operator on the command line.
NOTE: The recommended installation option for non-development environments is https://operatorhub.io/operator/apicurio-registry[OperatorHub.io]. The recommended storage options are SQL or Kafka. Please visit the latest https://www.apicur.io/registry/docs[Apicurio Registry and Operator documentation].
NOTE: Run make
without any parameters to get a help message.
. Follow the instructions in ./dist/README.adoc
== Build and Deploy Apicurio Registry Operator
This section explains how to build Apicurio Registry Operator on your own and deploy it for testing and development.
NOTE: Run export CLIENT="oc"
if you are deploying to OpenShift.
[source,bash]== Deploy Apicurio Registry
After the Apicurio Registry Operator has been deployed, it can deploy an Apicurio Registry instance.
custom resources:
[source,bash]+ NOTE: The in-memory deployment is not suitable for production. We recommend using SQL or Kafka persistence options for that. See the documentation for more information.
== Notes
https://github.com/Apicurio/apicurio-registry-operator/issues/new[Create an issue] on GitHub if you find any problems.
You can find more information on the https://www.apicur.io/registry/[Apicurio website].