ApolloXI14 / seandre_website

seandre writing/music website repo
1 stars 0 forks source link


Instructions to build locally

  1. Run npm install to install all packages

Dev env instructions

  1. Run npm run dev to both build and run dev server (port 3000 by default). Hot refresh will be enabled, making changes reflect instantly upon save.

Prod env instructions

  1. Run npm run build for prod build.
  2. Run npm run start to run prod server (port 8000 by default).

Component naming convention

Solution to "ERR_OSSL_EVP_UNSUPPORTED" error when running "npm run build"

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69394632/webpack-build-failing-with-err-ossl-evp-unsupported export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider