AppGeo / mapgeo-sync

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Rewrite of as an Electron app that runs in the background and is self-updating.

This uses MapGeo APIs and is built for MapGeo specifically. It is public because it runs on user's machines and we want to have transparency into what we run.

Folder Structure

The root folder is a default Ember app generated with ember new. The project uses an addon called ember-electron that facilitates the interaction between Electron and Ember using Electron Forge.

-/ # Ember App
 |_ package.json # Ember Deps & Electron config
   |_ app/ # Ember UI code lives here
 |_ electron-app/ # Electron Forge setup
   |_ package.json # Electron deps
   |_ src/ # Electron Code
     |_ index.ts # Code entry point

How It Works

This app takes data from the local machine it runs on and transforms that data and pushes it to S3, where MapGeo can get at it. It then notifies MapGeo that the data is there and how to handle that data and where it should go. Then it waits for a upload-status.json in that same folder in S3 for the results of that upload. Once the file is there it shows the results in Sync.

The actual work of getting the data into Studio (carto) is on the MapGeo side, under the uploader route.

Running Locally

When running MapGeo with HTTPS locally, you need to copy the caPath when you start MapGeo. Then start the electron app (cd electron-app/) with something like this, remember to replace the cert path:`

NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="/Users/iradchenko/Library/Application Support/devcert/certificate-authority/certificate.cert" yarn debug
# Can also run yarn watch:debug

When the client app (Ember app) rebuilds (using yarn watch) you need to close the main UI window, and in the taskbar (top right on mac, bottom right on windows) click the logo and click "Preferences" to reload that UI.


The app uses electron-store to save a configuration of the rules, sources, and mapgeo settings, and any cached data. This file path is printed when you start the electron app (yarn watch or yarn watch:debug in ./electron-app).

You can also get to this file easily using the Debugging menu (top left on mac, or in taskbar on both) and "Open Config".

If you get into a situation where there is an error, you can delete this file to reset everything.


Generally test against or

Generating File Formats

To create a File GeoDatabase, you can use GeoJSON to create it using this command:

ogr2ogr -f "FileGDB" output.gdb input.geojson


Note: these instructions don't work, see the publish section further down. Probably want to setup a Github Action to auto publish instead of opening Workspaces every time.

On mac you need to install Wine and mono, brew install wine-stable && brew install mono to build for Windows.

Building the app: cd electron-app/ first.

yarn package
yarn package:win


Are located here:


To publish to Github releases, you must first get a Github Token.

# Build Client Code
yarn build:dev

# Build Electron Code
cd ./electron-app
# Update version in package.json
yarn build:ts

# Publish
# MacOS
GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> yarn publish:macos
# Windows, running this on macos should work, but currently doesn't due to a bug in the squirrel maker
GITHUB_TOKEN=<token> yarn publish:windows

Releases can be seen here:


You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.


Running / Development

Code Generators

Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate for more details

Running Tests




Specify what it takes to deploy your app.

Further Reading / Useful Links