AppImage / appimagetool

A low-level tool to generate an AppImage from an existing AppDir
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appimagetool is used to generate an AppImage from an existing AppDir. Many community-provided higher-level tools for deploying applications in AppImage format use it internally. A precompiled version can be downloaded on GitHub Releases, but in most cases you will be better off using one of the higher-level tools instead of using appimagetool directly.

Usage in a nutshell, assuming that you already have an AppDir in place:

ARCH=x86_64 ./appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage some.AppDir

Detailed usage:

  appimagetool [OPTION...] SOURCE [DESTINATION] - Generate AppImages from existing AppDirs

Help Options:
  -h, --help                  Show help options

Application Options:
  -l, --list                  List files in SOURCE AppImage
  -u, --updateinformation     Embed update information STRING; if zsyncmake is installed, generate zsync file
  -g, --guess                 Guess update information based on environment variables set by common CI systems (GitHub actions, GitLab CI)
  --version                   Show version number
  -v, --verbose               Produce verbose output
  -s, --sign                  Sign with gpg[2]
  --comp                      Squashfs compression
  -n, --no-appstream          Do not check AppStream metadata
  --exclude-file              Uses given file as exclude file for mksquashfs, in addition to .appimageignore.
  --runtime-file              Runtime file to use
  --sign-key                  Key ID to use for gpg[2] signatures
  --sign-args                 Extra arguments to use when signing with gpg[2]

Environment variables

Some of the parameters above can alternatively be specified as environment variables. Also, some additional environment variables are available, too.


To build for various architectures on a local machine (or on GitHub Codespaces) using Docker:

If you are on an Intel machine and would like to cross-compile for ARM:
