AppLovin / AppLovin-MAX-Godot

MIT License
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AppLovin MAX Godot Plugin

AppLovin MAX Godot plugin for Android and iOS. We currently only support Godot 4.x.


For information on how to use our plugin in your GDScripts, check out our integration docs here.


You may find our plugin on the Godot Asset Library.

We have an example scene in /addons/applovin_max/Example/Scenes that shows an example integration of our APIs.

The source files for the native plugins can be found in the /Source folder. The source files for the Godot plugin can be found in /addons/applovin_max.

Plugin Integration Instructions

This section will provide the instructions on how to add the plugin to your Godot project and how to set up your Xcode and Android Studio projects.

Adding the Plugin

Exporting/Building to iOS/Android


  1. In the Godot editor, open the Export window from the Project menu. When the Export window opens, click Add.. and select iOS.

    • The App Store Team ID and (Bundle) Identifier options in the Application category are required.
  2. In the Plugins category, the App Lovin Max checkbox must be enabled.

  3. Click on Export Project....

    Note: You will see the export "fail" and see the error [Xcode Build]: Xcode project build failed, see editor log for details.

    • This is an expected error, as the AppLovinSDK.framework is not included in the plugin by default. The reasoning behind this is to leverage Cocoapods to manage the iOS dependencies such as other ad network SDKs and our mediation adapters for them.
    • We have future plans to help streamline this process.
  4. Once the project has exported, create a Podfile in the same directory as your Xcode project (.xcodeproj). We have included an example Podfile in the top level directory of the repo.

    • To add other networks and their dependencies, please visit Preparing Mediated Networks. This tool will automatically generate the Podfile code.
    • Note: Your Xcode project will not run by default as noted before until you run the next step.
  5. Finally, to install our AppLovinSDK and your dependencies, run the following on your command line tool:

    pod install --repo-update
Other iOS Considerations

Check out the Active development considerations section in Godot's Exporting for iOS doc.

This will allow you to make changes to your game code without having to export to Xcode again. You can simply make changes in Godot and run your build in your Xcode project immediately after.


  1. Requirement: please read Godot's Exporting for Android on how to setup your Godot project for Android.

  2. In the Godot editor, click on Install Android Build Template... from the Project menu. Click Install.

  3. In the Godot editor, open the Export window from the Project menu. When the Export window opens, click Add.. and select Android.

  4. In the Plugins category, App Lovin Max checkbox must be enabled.

  5. Click on Export Project...

  6. Open the Android Studio project. By default, it will be in <GODOT_PROJECT>/android/build folder.

    • Note: Your Android Studio project will not run properly by default.
      1. Godot can fail to export our plugin AAR to the Android Studio project. We will be using Gradle for dependency management. See Step 7 and onwards.
      2. As mentioned before, Godot can also fail to export your package name properly. See Other considerations.
  7. Copy the AppLovin-MAX-Godot-Plugin.aar in <GODOT_PROJECT>/android/plugins/AppLovin-MAX-Godot-Plugin to the libs directory in <GODOT_PROJECT>/android/build/libs.

  8. In the build.gradle, add the following line in the dependencies code block:

    implementation 'com.applovin:applovin-sdk:+'
    • To add other networks and their dependencies, please visit Preparing Mediated Networks. This tool will automatically generate the gradle code.
  9. In the AndroidManifest.xml, in the .GodotApp activity entry, change the android:launchMode attribute value from singleInstance to singleTask.

Demo Apps

The /ExampleProject directory contains the demo app.

