AppThreat / caxa

Package Node.js applications into executable binaries. Forked from leafac/caxa.
MIT License
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Forked from caxa 3.0.1 with the following changes:

Original README below:


📩 Package Node.js applications into executable binaries 📩

Why Package Node.js Applications into Executable Binaries?




$ npm install --save-dev @appthreat/caxa


Prepare the Project for Packaging

Call caxa from the Command Line

$ npx caxa --help
Usage: caxa [options] <command...>

Package Node.js applications into executable binaries

  command                                The command to run and optional arguments to pass to the command every time the executable is called. Paths must be absolute. The ‘{{caxa}}’ placeholder is substituted for the folder from which the package runs. The ‘node’ executable is available at ‘{{caxa}}/node_modules/.bin/node’. Use double quotes to delimit the command and each argument.

  -i, --input <input>                    [Required] The input directory to package.
  -o, --output <output>                  [Required] The path where the executable will be produced. On Windows, must end in ‘.exe’. In macOS and Linux, may have no extension to produce regular binary. In macOS and Linux, may end in ‘.sh’ to use the Shell Stub, which is a bit smaller, but depends on some tools being installed on the end-user machine, for example, ‘tar’, ‘tail’, and so forth. In macOS, may end in ‘.app’ to generate a macOS Application Bundle.
  -F, --no-force                         [Advanced] Don’t overwrite output if it exists.
  -e, --exclude <path...>                [Advanced] Paths to exclude from the build. The paths are passed to and paths that match will be excluded. [Super-Advanced, Please don’t use] If you wish to emulate ‘--include’, you may use ‘--exclude "*" ".*" "!path-to-include" ...’. The problem with ‘--include’ is that if you change your project structure but forget to change the caxa invocation, then things will subtly fail only in the packaged version.
  -D, --no-dedupe                        [Advanced] Don’t run ‘npm dedupe --production’ on the build directory.
  -p, --prepare-command <command>        [Advanced] Command to run on the build directory after ‘npm dedupe --production’, before packaging.
  -N, --no-include-node                  [Advanced] Don’t copy the Node.js executable to ‘{{caxa}}/node_modules/.bin/node’.
  -s, --stub <path>                      [Advanced] Path to the stub.
  --identifier <identifier>              [Advanced] Build identifier, which is part of the path in which the application will be unpacked.
  -B, --no-remove-build-directory        [Advanced] Remove the build directory after the build.
  -m, --uncompression-message <message>  [Advanced] A message to show when uncompressing, for example, ‘This may take a while to run the first time, please wait...’.
  -V, --version                          output the version number
  -h, --help                             display help for command

  > caxa --input "examples/echo-command-line-parameters" --output "echo-command-line-parameters.exe" -- "{{caxa}}/node_modules/.bin/node" "{{caxa}}/index.mjs" "some" "embedded arguments" "--an-option-thats-part-of-the-command"

  $ caxa --input "examples/echo-command-line-parameters" --output "echo-command-line-parameters" -- "{{caxa}}/node_modules/.bin/node" "{{caxa}}/index.mjs" "some" "embedded arguments" "--an-option-thats-part-of-the-command"

  macOS/Linux (Shell Stub):
  $ caxa --input "examples/echo-command-line-parameters" --output "" -- "{{caxa}}/node_modules/.bin/node" "{{caxa}}/index.mjs" "some" "embedded arguments" "--an-option-thats-part-of-the-command"

  macOS (Application Bundle):
  $ caxa --input "examples/echo-command-line-parameters" --output "Echo Command Line" -- "{{caxa}}/node_modules/.bin/node" "{{caxa}}/index.mjs" "some" "embedded arguments" "--an-option-thats-part-of-the-command"

Here’s a real-world example of using caxa. This example includes packaging for Windows, macOS, and Linux; distributing tags with GitHub Releases Assets; distributing Insiders Builds for every push with GitHub Actions Artifacts; and deploying a binary to a server with rsync (and publishing an npm package as well, but that’s beyond the scope of caxa).

Call caxa from TypeScript/JavaScript

Instead of calling caxa from the command line, you may prefer to write a program that builds your application, for example:

import caxa from "caxa";

(async () => {
  await caxa({
    input: "examples/echo-command-line-parameters",
    output: "echo-command-line-parameters",
    command: [
      "embedded arguments",

You may need to inspect process.platform to determine which operating system you’re running and come up with the appropriate parameters.