AppiumTestDistribution / appium-reporter-plugin

Appium2 plugin to generate html report with screenshots.
Apache License 2.0
30 stars 12 forks source link
appium-plugin appium2 html-report


example workflow


appium-reporter-plugin is appium 2.0 plugin, for generating simple html report with screenshots. Consolidated Report is generated for all the test that ran in the appium session. Report can be fetched from server and be written to file (just like screenshots).

When to use

appium-reporter-plugin would be handly, if you need to

Sample Report Demo

How to use

To install plugin

appium plugin install --source=npm appium-reporter-plugin

Start appium server with plugin

appium --use-plugins=appium-reporter-plugin

Sample implementation can be found @

  1. JS Implementation ->
  2. Java Implementation ->

Mappings / Commands

appium-reporter-plugin assumes every test/spec uses new driver session. For commands invoked on the driver session, screenshot and metrics are captured at server side. At the end of the test i.e., before deleting the driver session, /setTestInfo should be called to map test information. After all the tests are completed /getReport can be called to fetch the html report and written to file. To clear the test info stored on the server, /deleteReportData can be used.


For mapping test information to data collected, server binding POST: /setTestInfo is exposed. This binding accepts JSON payload with keys as mentioned below

key Description Type Accepted Values
sessionId driver's sessionId Mandatory driver's sessionId or null if session is not created (pendig test)
testName Name of the test Mandatory any string
testStatus Test execution status Mandatory PASSED, FAILED, PENDING, All other string considered as unknown
error Reason for test Failure Optinal any string


    {sessionId: 'asdas-asdasd-asdasda-asdasdasd', testName: 'Sum of 1 and 2 should be 3', testStatus: 'PASSED'}
    {sessionId: 'asdas-asdasd-asdasda-asdasdasd', testName: 'Sum of 1 and 2 should be 4', testStatus: 'FAILED', error: 'Sum of 1 and 2 is 3'}
    {sessionId: null, testName: 'Sum of 1 and 2 should be 3', testStatus: 'PENDING'}


After execution of all the tests, report can be downloaded from server using GET: /getReport. getReport returns a html report with screenshots as a string.


screenshots and test information is stored on server and this occupies space. To clear the space and delete all the test infomation on server DELETE: /deleteReportData can be used.

-- demo.spec.js has working example and we recommamd checking the implementation.


  1. appium-reporter-plugin doesn't gather test results data from any unit test framework.
  2. Bindings exposed by this plugin are not default W3C binding, hence these commands can't be drirecly called on driver object. Either wdio setCommand should be used or direct api call can be made.


npm run build

Install from code base

 1. set APPIUM_HOME to a local directory and install drivers needed
  export APPIUM_HOME=~/Documents/AppiumTestDistribution/appium-reporter-plugin/local_appium_home

 2. npm run install-plugin

Re-Install from code base

npm run reinstall-plugin

Start appium server with plugin

appium --use-plugins=appium-reporter-plugin

Run tests

npm run test

Note : If you are overriding APPIIM_HOME make sure drivers are installed

appium driver install xcuitest
appium driver install uiautomator2
