When I used runBNG to run denovo mode, there was an error as follow:
ERROR: no align files in alignFolder /home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align
Warning/Error messages:
('warning', 'Could not open file \"/home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align/exppairwise1of171.stdout\" tries=0 exception=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'/home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align/exppairwise1of171.stdout\'\n')
The command I ran was: runBNG denovo -t /home/bioSoft/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel/avx/ -s /home/Assembly/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/ -b 01.runBNG_merged/runBNG_merged.bnx -T 80 -j 20 -z 1300 -o /home/runBNG_denovo_ref -r genome_DLE1_20kb_5labels.cmap -B 0 -P saphyr -l 100 -m 5 -a 1
I run denovo mode with the merge bnx file, the error also appeared. what is the matter? Could you help me to solve this problem? Thank you very much!
Hi, When I used runBNG to run denovo mode, there was an error as follow: ERROR: no align files in alignFolder /home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align Warning/Error messages: ('warning', 'Could not open file \"/home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align/exppairwise1of171.stdout\" tries=0 exception=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: \'/home/runBNG_denovo_ref/align/exppairwise1of171.stdout\'\n')
The command I ran was: runBNG denovo -t /home/bioSoft/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/RefAligner/11442.11643rel/avx/ -s /home/Assembly/tools/pipeline/Solve3.6_09252020/ -b 01.runBNG_merged/runBNG_merged.bnx -T 80 -j 20 -z 1300 -o /home/runBNG_denovo_ref -r genome_DLE1_20kb_5labels.cmap -B 0 -P saphyr -l 100 -m 5 -a 1
I run denovo mode with the merge bnx file, the error also appeared. what is the matter? Could you help me to solve this problem? Thank you very much! wang