AppliedBioinformatics / runBNG

An easy way to run BioNano genomic analysis
MIT License
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At present, runBNG offers 12 mainly used functions in Bionano analyses, which are

Detailed usages

Program:  runBNG
Version:  2.0.1
Author:   Yuxuan Yuan ( 
Synopsis: This pipeline aims to help complete key Bionano optical mapping analyses using command line

Usage:    runBNG <command> [options]

Command:  fa2cmap       convert a given fasta format file into a cmap file
          cmapstats     check stats of a cmap file
          bnxmerge      merge different bnx files into one
          bnxstats      check stats of a bnx file
          bnxfilter     filter a bnx file 
          MQR           get a molecule quality report for the Bionano data
          repeatCheck   check repeats using Bionano raw data
          denovo        de novo assemble Bionano single molecule maps
          compare       compare two different cmap files
          hybrid        perform Bionano hybrid scaffolding using one enzyme 
          dual          perform Bionano hybrid scaffolding using two enzymes 
          SV            structural variation detection

options:  -h/-help   show this message and exit


After all required dependencies are set, you can use 'runBNG' to start your analyses.

A manual detailing how to set and use 'runBNG' has been provided in the Manual.

We have also supplied a testing dataset (Examples). You may use this dataset to test this software.

Any problem in using 'runBNG' can be raised in the Issues.

Note: runBNG version 1.3 and below does not support the maps generated by the saphyr platfrom


Yuxuan Yuan, Philipp E. Bayer, HueyTyng Lee, David Edwards; runBNG: A software package for BioNano genomic analysis on the command line. Bioinformatics 2017 btx366. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btx366

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